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It's time to submit your comment on the middle chapters of Like A Dragon: Ishin for The Deepest Dive! For this discussion, we're covering everything in the game from Chapter 5-Chapter 9. Please don't spoil anything after that point!

We're trying something different with The Deepest Dive on Like A Dragon: Ishin! Instead of submitting a comment below, you're going to enter your single comment on this shared Google Doc in the appropriate section. Leo Vader is hosting this game club, so please make his life easier by keeping your single comment to under 700 characters and place it in the right spot. You all have our permission to delete any comment over 700 characters long.

Here's the link to the Google Doc, keep it tidy and as chronological as possible! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lHNZnuBxsLVawyEByS1VNquF1kdE1tqQQHPYctX06fE/edit?usp=sharing 

As always, please get as specific as possible with your single comment. Submit a comment about your favorite line, building, historical detail, etc. The more specific you are, the higher the odds of us reading your comment during the discussion. We'll finish collecting comments on Tuesday morning.

We're recording The Deepest Dive on Like A Dragon: Ishin on Tuesday evening at 7pm Central with Leo Vader, Sarah Podzorski, Jacob Geller, and special guest Michael Higham. You can watch us record it live on MinnMax's Twitch channel.

You can unlock the podcast version of the full discussion in your favorite podcast app by supporting MinnMax at the $5 tier.

It'll be a bit before we come back for the grand finale of The Deepest Dive, so you have plenty of time to finish the game and complete as many sidequests as oyu want.

3/27 - Chapter 10-15

As always, thanks so much for supporting MinnMax and letting the game club format exist in the first place. Any help sharing this post or discussion with Like A Dragon fans is appreciated!



Friendly reminder in case anyone didn't read the text of the post, DON'T POST YOUR COMMENTS HERE! Put them in the Google doc linked in the post.