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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Janet Garcia, Kelsey Lewin, and Jacob Geller. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Wild Hearts


- Metroid Prime Remastered

- Double Fine's documentary on Psychonauts 2's developemtn

- Kelsey Lewin's upcoming book on Animal Crossing

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday, with an exclusive pre and post show. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!



You can also find this item for sale in iam8bit’s online store, and you can use the promo code SWEETHEARTS for 10% off everything under $100.



So I got lazy this week and got CHATGPT to write my question. HERE IS MY REQUEST. Ok so I really need your help to have the best question for the minnmax podcast. It's a podcast about games, friends, and getting better. Can you start with a funny intro to Ben and the crew. Then ask a really cool question about ai in video games. JeffM has spoken about this alot in the past. Then finish up by saying how good they all are and that the podcast is great. Oh and can you make it sound like it's written by an Australian. HERE IS THE RESPONSE. G'day, mates! I hope you're all doing well down there in the States. I wanted to start off by saying that I've been loving the MinnMax podcast lately. Ben, you and the crew crack me up with your banter, and I always learn something new about video games and the industry when I listen. But enough chit-chat - I've got a serious question for you all, especially for JeffM since he's spoken about this before. We've seen some interesting developments in AI in recent years, including auto text generation in video games. This can range from simple things like auto-generated chat responses to more complex applications like procedurally-generated game worlds. So here's my question for the MinnMax crew: What's your take on auto text generation in video games, and how do you see it developing in the future? Do you think it has the potential to revolutionize the gaming experience, or do you worry that it could lead to more formulaic, repetitive games? And while we're on the topic of AI in games, what's the funniest or most absurd thing you've ever seen an AI character do in a video game? On the flip side, what's an example of AI done right, where you were genuinely impressed with the character's actions or behavior? Thanks for all the hard work you put into the podcast - keep up the great work, and keep getting better! Cheers!


Hey Minnmaxer - my Minnmax hat finally came! The reason I bought is was because the Twitter account asked “what would it take to make you a Patreon supporter” and I responded a fitted hat and I was unexpectedly linked to being able to buy it. So my question, when is a time you have been callled out to hold up your end of a barging unexpectedly. Did you rise to the occasion? Thanks, bye!!!


It feels like every sci-fi, and a lot of fantasy games, have a fleshy, "belly of the beast" level. Every time, it makes me groan. That aesthetic or trope could use some time on ice. What level design or style choice has started to wear on you?


ahoy corhorts, better quest goal: get back to my previous cycling ability... which was mighty. after a health thing knocked me on my butt most of the past year and a half, i've finally gotten back in the saddle and started cycling again. a few eps ago Kyle and Ben were talking about great Steam Deck games for stationary bikes. aside from Vampire Survivors and Dome Keeper, have any other suggestions for workout games? finding a balance of upbeat and mindless is a tall order. i've found Crypt of the Necrodancer is fantastic. hit me with some other workout favorites. best!

Mike Lynch

What game were you most successful with turning people onto? Like,the developers should send you a check with the amount of people you got to play this game.


What's the most silliest way you've almost gotten maimed or injured? For example the other day I was trying to open a box and used a knife cutting towards me (dumb dumb move), and it slipped and the tip poked me pretty hard in the chest. I checked and realized I was about an inch from my solar plexus, so long story short, almost stabbed myself to assemble a couch.


In school did you wear your backpack with one strap or both straps?


This feels like a great opportunity for me to describe a recent incident where I was hauling some empty beverage cans that had accumulated in the kitchen out to the recycling bin. After dropping one of them, I instinctively reached out to try to catch it. I managed to catch it before it hit the ground (yeah!), but ended up somehow getting my pinky inside the opening and cutting it horribly on the metal (no!).


Greetings MinnMax cohorts and contributors, No question this week, instead a challenge: Come up with a short pitch to deliver to a suit wearing money person that will convince them to greenlight the game Katamari Damacy.


Take a good, hard look within yourselves. Do you think you would survive in a Last of Us type of apocalyptic event?


Hallo I know we like to stay positive on this podcast, but can you name the worst video game you have ever played? I can´t. It is for some reason much easier to name movies and songs that you hate. Hate your show though.


Hi cohorts - we have now all seen what a mushroom apocalypse looks like thanks to The Last of Us. My question is: what is the food-based apocalypse you'd be happiest to see?


Hello MinnMax! Last week in regards to Metroid Prime Remaster's $40 price tag Kyle said it's, "A little pricey for an older game," and, "...it's a lot for a game that came out a while ago," which I have some issue with given that 1.) $40 was the standard on Gamecube when the first came out; 2.) $60 -- and now pushing $70 -- is the new norm; and 3.) Retro Studios definitely went above and beyond and it's more than just a port of the Gamecube/Wii version of the game. My question for you -- other than whether or not you agree with Kyle's sentiment -- is how do you weigh whether a game is "pricey" or not? Do you have hardset guidelines or does the type of game in question come into play when making such a determination?