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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Janet Garcia, Jeff Marchiafava, and Jacob Geller. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Dead Space's remake

- Hi-Fi Rush

- Season: A Letter to The Future

- The Crew Motorfest

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday, with an exclusive pre and post show. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!



You can also find this item for sale in iam8bit’s online store, and you can use the promo code RABBITSEASON for 10% off everything under $100.



Hello hello good folks of MinnMax! I'm excited to be starting a new job tomorrow from IT Support to Graphic Design, so finally putting my college degree as an art major more into use haha. Wish me luck! Question for the week - Everyone has opinions on the voice casting for the Mario Movie. Assuming they make a Zelda or Metroid movie in the future, should Link and/or Samus have voice acting? Discuss.


What physical game has spent the most time inserted in one of your consoles? Handheld consoles count. I think Pokemon Diamond or Pearl in my original fat DS is my best guess.


Hey y'all, When is the last time you "popped off" on a game? For those uninitiated, a pop-off is when you do an elaborate celebration or otherwise completely dominate a game. I can't help but pop-off out of my seat in celebration when I win a match of Fall Guys. Eat my dust, 6 year olds!


Hey cohorts! What was you last "oh my god, I get it now" game? After releasing on the ps5 last year, I finally got around to playing Inscryption, and was blown away seeing how the games mystery unfolded. I completely understand all the hushed enthusiasm for it now, and am glad I got to experience it's best twists fresh


Hello Ben and crew! Something semi-interesting I’ve noticed is that most reviewers of media are usually hesitant to criticize an actor/actress’s performance in a high production movie/tv show/game, but have no problem saying things like “the writing is sub-par” or “the direction is confused”. The last acting performance in a major production that I can remember being universally panned was probably Hayden Christensen in the Star Wars prequels (and now a lot of people have come back around on that). I’m probably missing a more recent example, but still I think it’s a rare thing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to a review and heard something like “The performances were fine, but the story…” Is this just me? Am I nuts?!? Why do you think this is? Maybe because we can see their faces and we feel awkward criticizing them? Thanks!


Hi Everyone. With the rumour this week that all of the big players won't be present at e3 do you think there is an opportunity for the show to evolve into something different and maybe even better. What is your vision of a perfect e3 without sony,nintendo, or microsoft. What would add, change, or take away. The sky is the limit. Give me your best pitch to save e3. Also your recent hifi rush interview was awesome. Thanks for all your hard work everyone.


Not sure if this question has been asked. I had experience with a few different games where I was so hooked I was still subconsciously playing them well talking to people. I have a vivid memory of playing candy crush in my mind while having a conversation with my boss. I knew at that time I was into deep and had to delete the game. Does this resonate with anyone? I’d love to hear the story.


Hi friends, It seems like we go through cycles every year of layoffs that hit gaming outlets which then triggers a response from those active in this space to give their take on the status of the games journalism landscape in that point in time and the future. As active members in the space, do you think games journalism and coverage will change drastically within the next 5 years? Thanks, Dan


Hey MinnMaxers! With live service games being a big part of todays world have you ever stopped to consider that you’ll one day have to say goodbye to your character? Destiny 1 has been around for awhile, but we know with D2 and I’m sure D3 the character you spent so long with will one day disappear into the ether. I am a big Old Republic mmo player, but realize it isn’t the most popular and I cherish my time with my characters, but know that one day I’ll have to say goodbye. Have you ever felt this way? Am I too emotional? Lol Thanks, Logs


Hey MinnMax, I loved the interview about Hi-Fi Rush's development. In it, the director mentioned that the shadow drop might have actually helped the studio make a successful pivot out of their usual genre because there wasn't much time for speculation -- the game had a chance to speak for itself. How often do you think the long conversation about a game before release actually hurts expectations or impressions while playing? Is it a necessary part of the industry?


Hello minnmax! With the popularity of vampire survivors it seems very easy for a big studio to take that formula and create their own game using the same concepts. With vampire survivors clearly using castlevania as their theme what other properties do you think would make a fun clone for lack of a better term? Zelda seems like an easy answer for me. Plenty of enemies, characters, areas, and weapons to build upon in an already thoroughly enjoyed world. Any ideas?


Hello Minnmax! This question is for Jeffm. How have you learned to juggle a small child with your gaming, and has it affected your general interes in video games ? I have a two year old son, and with the rare times I get to game nowadays I find myself losing interest quickly or stopping to do any of the endless chores that come with toddlers. Thank you guys!