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Choose What We Stream On New Show Plus!

  • SpongeBen SquarePants 44
  • Heart Of GoldenEye 82
  • Viva Podzorski 93
  • Sledding - Episode 2 - Sled Storm Strikes Back 35
  • 2023-01-30
  • —2023-01-31
  • 254 votes
{'title': 'Choose What We Stream On New Show Plus!', 'choices': [{'text': 'SpongeBen SquarePants ', 'votes': 44}, {'text': 'Heart Of GoldenEye', 'votes': 82}, {'text': 'Viva Podzorski', 'votes': 93}, {'text': 'Sledding - Episode 2 - Sled Storm Strikes Back', 'votes': 35}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 31, 5, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 30, 20, 34, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 254}


Every week New Show Plus lets supporters at the Backstage Pass tier on Patreon vote to choose a new show for us to create, or to continue an older show from a previous week. If you missed the reveal, you can learn more about the format in this quick video.

So check out your options below, and vote to choose the next episode we create for New Show Plus airing Tuesday on Twitch!

SpongeBen SquarePants - Ben Hanson plays the new 3D Platformer SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake and learns all about SpongeBob, a series he knows almost nothing about.

Heart Of GoldenEye - GoldenEye 007 is back, everybody! It's time to jump in and play some janky online multiplayer on the Switch.

Viva Podzorski - Episode 2 - You didn't vote for it the first time, but we streamed Sarah discovering Viva Piñata last week for New Show Overflow and now you can vote for a second episode!

Sledding - Episode 2 - Sled Storm Strikes Back - Since temperatures dropped in Minnesota and we're all coward, the second episode of our hit show Sledding has us playing the PlayStation 1 classic (???) Sled Storm.

Choose wisely, and may the best show win! Remember you can vote on multiple shows if there are a few you're interested in, and the winner will be back on the poll next week for a potential follow-up episode! Also, shows that lose may reappear in future polls.

We’ll be going live at noon Central on Tuesday, so see you on our Twitch channel! Feel free to follow us or shoot a sub our way (you have a free one with Amazon Prime), we'd really appreciate the support!




By the way, I love the 28 people voting for Sled Storm currently.

Dylan Kelly