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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and Janet Garcia. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Our predictions for 2023

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday, with an exclusive pre and post show. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!




Joe Garifo

Hello Ben and Crew, I’ve got a simple question. Last Of Us show or game first?


Hello MinnMax Crew! I recently started getting REAL into the Final Fantasy series, and as my only experience with it has really only been Final Fantasy XIV, VII Remake, and a bit of XV, I decided to play through all of the OG Final Fantasy VII last month and fell in love with it. I loved it so much that I grabbed the Pixel Remasters on sale (I-VI) and all the others I missed over the years and plan on playing through all of them before XVI releases later this year. My question for you all is, have you ever played a game in a series that made you dive into the previous installments? If so, what was your experience? Did the games hold up? I just finished Final Fantasy I and absolutely adored it. While I think the adjustments made to the Pixel Remaster helped with that, it was fun exploring that world for the first time. And I am beyond excited to dive into the others—especially VI and X. Thanks!


What, in your opinion, are the keys to having a good adaptation of a video game property? Faithfully retelling the story of the game? Telling an original story while staying true to the spirit of the source material? What do shows like "The Last of Us", "Cyberpunk: Edgerunners" and the "Nier Automata" anime have that make them a success and sets them apart from other shows/movies like "Halo", the new "Resident Evil" movie, "Uncharted" and "Ratchet & Clank"? What would you focus on when adapting your favorite property?

Douglas Selby

MinnMax crew, thanks for attending your mandatory quarterly performance review. How do you feel you can improve as a member of this MinnMax team or this podcast or this *insert show that you are on* in the next quarter? Thanks, make sure your time sheets are in before noon, and your bonus will actually be a discount coupon for a fish sandwich.


Hey guys. This is my first job int the game industry so it was really surreal seeing your impressions on what Silent Hill: Ascension is since I'm a programmer on it. I was wondering if any of you have any memorable, funny and/or weird experiences with non-management, non-director, non-PR people for games you have covered?


Thank you, Kyle Hilliard. I'm watching One Piece based on the recommendations you've given and I've fallen in love with the characters, the artstyle and the heart of the show. I've seen 45 episodes, the Red film and I'm playing One Piece Odyssey. Oh! I also got this cool Nami t-shirt and I wore it to the family's house on Christmas. My dad liked it, too!


It’s time to play a game: Coker Pepsi! I will list a series of names and you will have to guess if they are either A) A Track from a Gareth Coker OST or B) A Variation of Pepsi. 1. Carinval (Pepsi, Japan Flavor) 2. Code Red (Coker, ARK Genesis) 3. Ice (Pepsi, Southeast Asia) 4. Fire (Pepsi, Southeast Asia) 5. Fire and Ice (Coker, Ark) 6. Creation (Coker, Ark) 7. Ghost (Pepsi, Japan Flavor) 8. Cheer (Pepsi, Thailand flavor) 9. Deep Freeze (Coker, The Mean Greens) 10. Max Chill (Pepsi, Sweden/Finland) So, how did you do? Did you prove yourselves to be true "Coker Spaniels" or did you fail this Pepsi Challenge?


Hi all! First time questioner, long time listener. I'll be spending the next few days driving cross country with my partner. From MN to CA, we have about 4 days/nights in our trip. My question is, do you have any gaming related memories during road trips ya'll have gone through in your time on this planet? I have one during a school trip for band/choir to New Orleans. My friend and seat mate Mitch finally had the opportunity to play Megaman Battle Network 3 versus mode, in which I found out I was terrible at the game. Keep on doing what you do, with love, Pikablu(MN)


Hey cohorts, Another year, another round of “Switch 2” rumors. Do you think Nintendo will release another animal crossing for the next console, or will they give it a 1 console cycle rest? I feel like on one hand a new one can’t possibly live up to the cultural impact the current one had, and everyone has now gotten their fill and dropped it, but on the other hand they probably put the team immediately to work on a sequel when they saw the sales exploding so much. What’s your prediction and what “theme” do you want the next one to be?


Hey Ben and the Maxxers. With the news about long term development times, I assume we'll continue to see remakes as they don't have to be started from scratch. Which game or games would you like to be remade RE2 style? Personally I want a Syphon Filter remake. Great game, great story and the guys who developed it said they're up for it.


Occasionally I’ll play a game that has one singular aspect that keeps me playing it despite not really enjoying the rest of it. This could be anything but for me it’s usually either the characters, narrative or music. What is a game that had this for you and what was the one thing that kept you playing. A recent example from me would be DioField Chronicle. For some reason the progression systems really hooked me and I played all the way till the end unlocking everything for every character. Unfortunately it was an entirely forgettable experience in every other aspect.


Hi MinnMax crew! As undisputed connoisseurs of videogames Ubisoft calls YOU to lift them from their pitiful state. You have to greenlit one game based on a Ubisoft IP that will set the new standard for the company...but you also have to sell another IP. What do you choose?