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There is no typo in the headline, we're collecting your questions and comments for the next TWO weeks of podcasts on this post. Ben Hanson will be out of town next week, so we're recording two episodes of The MinnMax Show this Wednesday and airing one next week. We'll divide the questions between the shows randomly, but we'll read them on a specific episode if they tie in that episode's theme.

On this week’s episode, Ben Hanson, Janet Garcia, Jacob Geller, and Kyle Hilliard will be talking about what we played over holiday break AND the community's Top 10 Games of 2022! 

Please submit your favorite games of 2022 to the survey so we can get a more accurate result for the community's objective list! You have until Tuesday at 11pm Central to submit your picks. Here's a link the form - https://forms.gle/zXCSFsgptVWPMYZr9

Via Discord mod Neill Smith - "The focus for this ranking is games released in 2022. For the purpose of this poll: Early access titles, expansion passes, new DLC, new ports, remasters and remakes, etc are all eligible. You don't have to enter 10 games, just fill out as many as you can with your own current ranking."

On next week's episode, Ben Hanson, Sarah Podzorski, Jeff Marchiafava, and Jacob Geller are talking about their most anticipated games of 2023. So feel free to submit your choice!

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the shows live on Wednesday, with an exclusive pre and post show. We're recording the first at 11:15am Central and the second at 2pm Central. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hello and Happy New Year Minnimum Maximers, I’ve been steadily adding more features to my Steam Deck and most recently I was able to change the menu sounds on the Deck so it matches the sounds of the game of my choosing. My question to you is: what video game has your favorite menu navigation noises? My pick would be the Kingdom Hearts series, that high-pitched chirping noise just does it for me.


I don't think I played a single game that was released in 2022! My most played game this year was a translated version of "Pokemon GB2: Here comes Team GR" which was released in 2001. Ars Technica in 2014 released a study that said 37% of steam games are never even played. My question is, what game has been on your "to play list" for the longest amount of time?


Hey Cohorts! After watching and loving Avatar: TWOW, I organized a trip with two friends to watch it at a premium theater. We were hyped! My excitement quickly turned to embarrassment however as they proceeded to laugh through the entire film. All the scenes that transported me were met with snark and eye-rolls. Usually I can separate this kind of thing but this had me questioning my taste in films/taste in friends/everything in a bizarrely emotional way. I cooled down a bunch afterward— but my question is “Has any piece of media garnered a deeply personal, near irrational defensiveness from you upon showing it to others?” I still think the movie rules. - Nick from Baltimore


Cheers and salutations good folks of MinnMax as we celebrate both the dawn of a new year and end to another year passed. Speaking of endings (segue!) - Has an ending to a video game ever changed your opinion of the overall experience, from good to bad or vice versa bad to good? The Witness is one example of a game that I adored the puzzles and world building all but up to its obtuse conclusion to which I can't help but have a love-hate sour taste with that game now. On the other side of the coin, I was enjoying Tunic as a decent Zelda-like, but how that game incorporates the use of the in-game manual into its puzzling final act elevates it to one of my fondest gaming experiences of 2022. The end. (Flips tape to Side B) Looking ahead to the exciting future that is 2023, my most anticipated game of the new year is, yes, the same answer as it has been for many a year now (but now with an official name) - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. With what started as Nintendo having too many ideas for Breath of the Wild DLC so let's use the same engine to make a quick sequel, has since turned into what is now a 6 year development cycle and the longest gap between a new mainline Zelda game ever being released. I can't help but think Nintendo is aiming to strike lightning twice and we are underestimating the ambition of this next Zelda as simply a sequel. So my simple question for you all - On a scale of Tingle to Take My Rupees, what is your hype for Tears of the Kingdom? And if you wish it were higher, how much more would you like to see or know before you peak that summit of hype? Cheers all and best wishes to everyone to the new year! :)


Is there any cartoon character that if you had to spent a month with, you’d just end up murdering them? Rewatching some old cartoons and wow, I wouldn’t last with many. Idk how the cast did


What are some funny games you have played? I’ve been playing Psychonauts 2 and have been tickled pink by its writing and humor.


Greetings! I recently started replaying the Half-Life remake, Black Mesa, and couldn't stop thinking about how cool it would be to work there. Pre-apocalypse of course. If you could work at a business from any game, what would it be?


Better Quest Goal: A few weeks ago, I completed my goal to run a Christmas-themed 5K race the entire time. My last race before this was a half marathon eight years ago. Next I want to do a 10K, and after that make my way back up to a half marathon before the year is over. It'll be more challenging considering I'll be 31 years old this year and my hypothyroidism wasn't as prevelant eight years ago, but after doing the 5K I know I can do this! P.S. Hit me up on Twitter @RobbieKeyV with any motivational music I can get on Apple Music!


What has been the best year of your life and why?


Do y'all game under the influence? Not trying to get anyone to narc on themselves just curious. Me personally, I like a little sticky icky at the end of the day while shootin dudes in Halo. Also, take an edible and go see Avatar 2 and tell me that's not CINEMA.