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This week's episode of our bonus podcast Party Chat and the final episode for 2022, Ben Hanson is joined by Jacob Geller to talk about…

- Sunsetting most Tuesday evening streams and CrossFade

- Avoiding burnout/how much content is too much

- Avatar: The Way Of Water spoiler-free review

- Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

- Game trivia

If you want to join the Party Chat every single week and talk to us about what you’ve been playing, watching, or ask any question under the sun, jump up to the MinnMax Council tier! We’d love to hear from you. Party Chat is recorded each week in the Discord, there’s a Stage called MinnMax Party Chat. You’ll see it if you join the $20 tier. Jump in there and you’ll be good to go. Let us know if you have any questions!



2 hour party chat yes!!


I can't articulate why, but the weirdly rude sound of Bob's buzzer on incorrect answers makes me laugh, every time. Please play it at my funeral.


Will you do a favorite films of 2022 video again with Kyle? Really enjoyed that last year :)


Thanks for remembering, we're not planning on doing that as of now.


Great episode! :)


Don't think I'll pop off on a movie that took 13 years to come out.


Hey Hanson just wanted to say that I am someone who does not use twitter or Instagram at all. Party chat or the discord is how I keep up with what’s happening with minnmax. I imagine social media is helpful for spreading the word outside of the community though.


Bummer to hear Tabletop Game Night got the axe. It was one of my favorite shows from you folks. However, that show was infrequent and I often felt underserved so if it came at the cost of cohorts feeling burnt out I can understand it getting the chopping block.


I don't believe you should overthink the cancellation of shows if they're not meeting the goals you've set out for them and/or the people producing those shows don't have the time or energy to give them their due. That said, I hope creation and decision-making around future content is done with history in mind so you're not just rolling out and then rolling back when people get bored or busy every 6 months. I believe that inconsistency, rather than the actual cancellation of shows, will lead to more bad blood with your listeners/viewers. Regarding the timing, guilt, etc. for content during end-of-year - just let it go. Honestly, I believe most people would be completely fine - or, dare I say, not even notice - if you didn't do the weekly content during a period like December when you have Two Tens, MinnMax Awards, Game Awards Coverage, Deepest Dive, etc. Jacob really nailed the commentary on this and I found myself nodding along when he talked about the amount of time and energy people have to consume content.


Ah, I understand. I forgot Kyle joined GI and now you want nothing to do with him. He probably was demanding you two do a Top 10 NFTS of 2022 video instead. FWIW I really love the film/TV reviews you put out on the channel. Seems like less this year but I guess some of that may have to do with MCU/SW burnout.