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Hello everybody! Hope you're enjoying the holiday season here. We've talked about it a fair bit on our bonus podcast Party Chat, but I wanted to actually get a poll out there to see where you all were at...

Should we include ads for your early audio version of The MinnMax Show every week? This is for the podcast version in the bonus audio feed. I've been cutting them out for the last couple of months. Ads can be annoying, but also occasionally there's some silly banter and some helpful discount codes. This would include cutting the iam8bit ad, but (as you've probably noticed) I've still been including the mention of iam8bit's prize for Question of the Week. Full transparency: Our advertising partners are fine with it either way so this is completely up to you.

As always, thanks for supporting MinnMax and making all of this possible. The power is in your hands!



Getting the podcast ad-free is a fantastic benefit and I'd be pretty annoyed if you took that away. Part of it s that as an international listener almost all podcast ads are useless and thus even more annoying.


i voted no ads, but full disclosure- i skip/fast fwd every ad in any form it comes, so ultimately do what's best for the channel!


Love the no ads as a perk for this tier!


No ads, but keep the Iam8bit part if possible


I really want the banter. This poll result make me sad. Hey Ben, can you do pre-recorded adds so we don’t miss anything?


I don't mind ads but I think they should continue to be cut out as an incentivise for people to join the patreon. For some people it's an added value which they'll pay for. It gets folks in the door.


I hate ads. In an ideal world, they wouldn't be in any of the backstage pass recording either. What I mean by that is, instead of editing them *out* for the Patreon feed, they should be edited *in* for the free feeds.

Castor Troy

I hate ads. Voted no.


I agree with Ian. I am for the ads as long as they are minnmax ads by the staff and not the region specific ads like fire escape does. Ben is pretty picky on the products he allows and I sometimes use the referral codes to try things out.


I know y’all are small but mighty and still growing I tend to not like ads but if it helps achieve some goals I wouldn’t be against them.


I'm cool with the Iam8bit stuff staying in the ad-free version but I'd rather not hear the more traditional ads. An aside, props to actually reading ads instead of playing whatever recording the company would send.


no adds for exclusive audio podcasts channel with the exception for Iam8bit