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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Sarah Podzorski, Ana Diaz, and Elise Favis. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner, this week it's Mutazione on Switch! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Sonic Frontiers

- A Plague Tale: Requiem

- Nintendo Indie World

- Harvestella

- Resident Evil 4

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday, with an exclusive pre and post show. We're recording at 7pm Central on Wednesday. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!




Malcolm Holliday

Hey Minnmax, what's the most badass/hardcore thing you've seen a video game character do recently? (LIGHT SPOILERS)For Me it's when Bayonetta rips out her own heart while chanting in an ancient language to summon a super powered version her kaiju.


Hey Minnmax, Is it just me or it feels western rpg genre is dying? It feels just like what happened to stealth genre. Many AAA action adventure games started incorporating stealth lite which eventually killed that genre. Now same seems happening with Horizon, New AC having RPG lite elements. (Especially with Bioware, Bethesda, CDPR dropping the ball with their last game. Cyberpunk is also pivoted to action adventure than RPG)

Joe Dean

The other day I watched Sarah stream Sonic and the Black Knight, and as the stream went on, Sarah, the stream, and myself became increasingly unhinged. What is a game that has made you become unhinged? -Joe Dean


Hey everybody, Question for everyone except Ben - Do you think Ben is the type of person to say, "Wow, this Ragnarocks!" As he plays through the new God of War? I personally think he is. I think he'd also give himself a high-five right after. Thanks, Dan


Hey guys, what’s the most underrated game you need to do a deepest dive on, and why is it A Plague Tale: Innocence?


G'day Ben and co. Really been enjoying collectors corner, so may cool and I interesting things to see. The latest episode got me thinking about the game books I have read over the years both good and well maybe not so good. Do may of you read books based on or about games? What are the best or "best" (as in I can't belive this is a thing best.) For me it's was the books based on Doom and Doom II released in 95/96 about the adventures of Flynn Taggart (aka Doom Guy) as he battles his way through the Union Aerospace Corporation facility on Phobos to save his friend and make it back to earth. I fondly remember getting the first two while on a holiday and seems like there was another 2 in the series. I'm sure they are not a great read now but 12 year old me loved them.


Wazzup! In RPGs what’s the best non weapon, weapon? Thinking back on some recent RPGs I’ve played I remember characters fighting using everything from a Volley Ball, a Puppet and even yo-yos. So I ask you all what’s is the best ? What is the dumbest or even what is the worst? Thank you


Hey Ben and the Maxxers - Just had a conversation with a young gamer at school and they said they only play Madden, nothing else. Which genre, studio, style, or game do you think is the most played where the player exclusively plays just the one?


Hey Benny H and the CLCs, Sarah always has such good posture. What're you doing over there, Sarah?


Hihi! First time writing in. :) I am in the Supergiant discord and for kicks and giggles I went through their old AMA in it. Greg Kasavin replied to a comment that I'd like to ask you all about. The question was regarding the tone of Hades being lighter, more humorous, and kinder in tone than their previous games. Greg: "Each of our games has sought to assert its own identity. I don't think Transistor is without kindness though for sure it is our most somber world. With Pyre, we aimed to create a more uplifting story (though I know you may not have experienced it that way). With Hades, we did set out to create a more lighthearted world, partly to violate expectations about how such a setting has to be. We want each of our world to have a certain warmth to them but with this one we've tried to push that farther. I am personally tired of media that believes making people sad is the Height of Emotion. It does nothing for me. Making people sad is super easy. I think what's difficult is to make audiences feel fulfilled." Do you agree that making audiences feel sad is easier/less rewarding than making them feel fulfilled? What games (or other piece of media) have made you guys feel emotionally fulfilled?


Hey friends! Caveat, I’m a fan of Sony and all the games I’m about to mention BUT are The Last of Us, Uncharted and God of War all the same game now?