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Hey everybody! As you might have learned from our messages to new supporters, we're always interested in learning how folks like you found MinnMax and what type of content you want to see.

So, for this poll, we're wondering if you followed our work at Game Informer or if you discovered us after we started MinnMax. Which one are you?

Also, if you used to listen to our content at Game Informer, can you please leave a comment letting us know what year you discovered us there?

As always, thanks for supporting independent games media. We couldn't do this without you!


Pablo Castillo

After getting the magazine for a few years, I discovered the GI YouTube in late 2011 and started listening to the pod after Helgeson left and Hanson and Tim took over.


I started listening during the Helgeson days I don’t remember the year though maybe 2014 or 2015 and haven’t stopped listening since then.


I discovered Game Informer through Video Games Weekly with Paul Charchian, which then led me to MinnMax. Somehow it took me like 6 months to discover MinnMax after you all started


The Twilight Highlight Zone :')


I discovered MinnMax from your Deepest Dive On Final Fantasy 7 Remake.


I followed you from the Game Informer Show. However, I was not a GI person, other than having liked the show for a couple years before MinnMax. I found the GI Show one day after running out of IGN shows and wanting more video game talking heads content. Back when you were hosting the GI Show, you had a similar question to the audience of how we found the GI show. I told you my story and you quickly mentioned it on the next show in a self-effacing way about how you were getting the "IGN runoff" audience numbers lol


Started with the Game Informer magazine before the podcast even existed. Been a huge fan ever since. Keep up the good work!


Started listening to the game informer podcast only a few months before Hansen left, which was a bummer at the time because I had only just started really getting to know the different personalities and stuff, and i fell off listening with the new host pretty quickly, and I only started listening to minnmax a year later because I thought it was patreon exclusive


This is exactly how I found the game informer show as well


Whats game informer? (JK, I was half way through the entire catalogue of game informer podcasts when the big layoffs happened. Very close to the pre Hanson years. The community emails were my favorite; the camaraderie, the sense of humor, the indie games to discover— stuff that’s still at minnmax today)


I subscribed after Ben guest hosted on Kinda Funny Games Daily. I think this is a great way to expand the community as well. I’ve heard Ben on various other podcasts or streams, and I think it helps bring folks to the show. We just need to start getting Sarah to get host, and this patreon may explode!

Castor Troy

House Hunter Rise and also the exit interviews.

Andrew Malkin

Started with Game Informer in the late 90s early 2000s.