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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jacob Geller, and Janet Garcia. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- God of War Ragnarok

- Bayonetta 3

- Resident Evil Village's DLC

- Embracer Group closing Square-Enix Montreal

Heads up! Due to some embargoes on this episode, we won't be able to stream the recording live for folks at the Backstage Pass tier. We will share a link on Thursday to the raw, unedited version though. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Howdyho Panel! Can y'all please explain the differences between gaming journalism websites? What makes each publication unique, between GameSpot, Kotaku, GameInformer, IGN, etc? I've known about these outlets for such a long time but I can't explain what makes one unique from the other (hopefully that's not a callous thing to say). Cheers and thanks for the clarification!


G'day Janet and the Lads. Do you drink enough water? I'm a correctional officer and work with a character who tells me he hasn't had even a glass of water in years, just gets all his water from his evening brandy, coffees and food?! WILD I drink water all day and sometimes I feel it's still not enough. Anyone use a schedule to stay hydrated? Cheers big ears


Hi there. With the release of the Resident Evil expansion and Janet's talk about "hateplaying" games I'd like to hear if you've ever completed something despite having hated it at first. I for one thought Resident Evil Village's story was laughably stupid and made me enjoy it a lot less, but the gameplay was fun enough for me to complete it (and buy the dlc!). I also found my favorite book series ever by sticking through a book I hated. Twice. I had to read it again because I really wanted to like it. (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, you should read it!)


Hey Ben and the Minnmaxers, I just rolled credits on Far Cry 6. This is the first Ubisoft game I finished since AC Blackflag. When was the last time you finished a Ubisoft game?


Hi Everyone, When you are listening to a podcast and a person pauses slightly looking for a word do you try to guess the word to yourself?


Hey Ben and the Max - I have something troubling me. I recently read an article about the studio Mundfish about the release of Atomic Heart . . . Isn't this game created by a Russian studio? Are people okay with this? Have they denounced Putin? Game looks cool, but not sure how I feel about this. What are your thoughts?


Hello Cohorts: I was wondering how you all prefer to make your decisions when a game presents you with the obligatory modern skill tree or even in a more traditional RPG. Are there certain stats you favor habitually? Does it depend on how the combat works? I tend to go on instinct based on how the game feels and how things have been going up to that point: if I'm dying a lot I will improve my health; if the character feels a bit sluggish I might add a dash move if it's available. Any hard and fast rules or is it different for every game?

Mars Barrow

Hi Mins and Maxers. Outside of maybe guitar hero, have you ever done something in a game that made you interested in trying that activity in the real world?

Nathan Paxton

Hello Minn Max crew. Gotham Knights seems to be the latest in a long line of games, movies, etc. that becomes trendy to dunk on on social media. While there’s plenty of criticism to be made, many things found on social media seem to be mean spirited, and designed to paint the game in as bad a light as possible. Why do you think this happens?


Not so much a question, just wanted to say how much I appreciated Jacob’s no-holds-barred take on the new Call Of Duty. I’ll admit I was kind of horrified to hear that some people are only now realising there might be something a tad problematic about COD’s gung-ho take on foreign military expansion. It’s way too easy to dismiss things because they’re normalised, but considering COD is effectively military propaganda for the most destructive imperialist force in the world, I’d say calling it evil doesn’t even do it justice. By no means do I think people should stop playing their games and I’m not suggesting every release requires geo-political contextualisation. But People should know about the horrors their country has committed (especially Americans!) and I appreciate Jacob taking an actual impassioned stance on it more than I can say, it’s important! Love the pod, y’all soundtrack my week and have done for years.


Not that this comparison hasn’t been made, but does the panel (Janet specifically) think that Gotham Knights would have had a better reception if it was a Ninja Turtles game rather than be a Batman-verse game? It plays a lot like an arcade brawler, the colors and personalities match(ish), and wouldn’t be compared to the Arkham games. Also, I hope we can now get an open world TMNT game after this.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-19 14:09:14 Howdy y'all! Longtime listener, but first time writing in since the Modern Warfare Remastered replay way back on GI. One question, one follow up: A few weeks ago someone asked what's the worst injury you've gotten from playing a game. I wanted to share the fact that I pinched a nerve while playing God of War 2018. Basically, many of the chairs we have in our basement are from my grandparent's house and don't have the same support as they did in the 70s. I took the day off to play the game and sat in that chair for nearly 8 hours straight playing. Once I got up, I realized I couldn't walk without a sharp pain on the lower right side of my back. Hope that wasn't too long, and congrats on getting on the Game Awards committee! -Emmett from Dacula, GA Went to the ER the next day and they prescribed medication and exercises for me to do over the following months. Couldn't work for 10 days and walked with a cane for much of that time. I'm fine now, but if I sleep or sit weird for long enough, the pain comes back for a bit. And now, the question: If you could swap a yearly franchise (CoD, FIFA, etc) w/ a non yearly franchise (Final Fantasy, TLoU, etc.), which combo would yield the most interesting fruit with the difference in dev time? I'd say Madden & From Soft's games. Most of From's games so similar that cranking one out in a year wouldn't decrease quality much imo, and Madden has had so many swings w/ its Story mode that I'd love to see what they could do with time to flesh out a massive football narrative, like a Friday Night Lights synario.
2022-11-07 20:47:59 Howdy y'all! Longtime listener, but first time writing in since the Modern Warfare Remastered replay way back on GI. One question, one follow up: A few weeks ago someone asked what's the worst injury you've gotten from playing a game. I wanted to share the fact that I pinched a nerve while playing God of War 2018. Basically, many of the chairs we have in our basement are from my grandparent's house and don't have the same support as they did in the 70s. I took the day off to play the game and sat in that chair for nearly 8 hours straight playing. Once I got up, I realized I couldn't walk without a sharp pain on the lower right side of my back. Hope that wasn't too long, and congrats on getting on the Game Awards committee! -Emmett from Dacula, GA Went to the ER the next day and they prescribed medication and exercises for me to do over the following months. Couldn't work for 10 days and walked with a cane for much of that time. I'm fine now, but if I sleep or sit weird for long enough, the pain comes back for a bit. And now, the question: If you could swap a yearly franchise (CoD, FIFA, etc) w/ a non yearly franchise (Final Fantasy, TLoU, etc.), which combo would yield the most interesting fruit with the difference in dev time? I'd say Madden & From Soft's games. Most of From's games so similar that cranking one out in a year wouldn't decrease quality much imo, and Madden has had so many swings w/ its Story mode that I'd love to see what they could do with time to flesh out a massive football narrative, like a Friday Night Lights synario.

Howdy y'all! Longtime listener, but first time writing in since the Modern Warfare Remastered replay way back on GI. One question, one follow up: A few weeks ago someone asked what's the worst injury you've gotten from playing a game. I wanted to share the fact that I pinched a nerve while playing God of War 2018. Basically, many of the chairs we have in our basement are from my grandparent's house and don't have the same support as they did in the 70s. I took the day off to play the game and sat in that chair for nearly 8 hours straight playing. Once I got up, I realized I couldn't walk without a sharp pain on the lower right side of my back. Hope that wasn't too long, and congrats on getting on the Game Awards committee! -Emmett from Dacula, GA Went to the ER the next day and they prescribed medication and exercises for me to do over the following months. Couldn't work for 10 days and walked with a cane for much of that time. I'm fine now, but if I sleep or sit weird for long enough, the pain comes back for a bit. And now, the question: If you could swap a yearly franchise (CoD, FIFA, etc) w/ a non yearly franchise (Final Fantasy, TLoU, etc.), which combo would yield the most interesting fruit with the difference in dev time? I'd say Madden & From Soft's games. Most of From's games so similar that cranking one out in a year wouldn't decrease quality much imo, and Madden has had so many swings w/ its Story mode that I'd love to see what they could do with time to flesh out a massive football narrative, like a Friday Night Lights synario.