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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Janet Garcia, and special guest Jill Grodt. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Predicting God of War: Ragnarok's story and gameplay

- Tunic

- Shovel Knight Dig

- Desta

- Cyberpunk Edgerunners

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday at 1:15pm Central, with an exclusive pre and post show. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hello MinnMax Crew, I was watching Collector Corner (Loved it!) and was impressed by all of the special variations of consoles that Kelsey has. It got me thinking that we really haven’t gotten many variations from the different console makers this gen so far. I was wondering what are some of your favorite console variations/special editions? Are there any you own or any you wish you owned? Thanks for the reading the question! P.s. I really hope Nintendo releases a special edition switch OLED for the release of Tears of the Kingdom.


So my wife and I just finished Edgerunners and we loved it! I'm a huge Studio Trigger fan because of their very distinct aesthetic and over the top animation/writing. They did that Star Wars Vision episode where the main character surfed on an X-Wing to slice a Star Destroyer in half with his light saber. I'd also recommend Gurren Lagann if you enjoyed Edgerunners. They have very some similar story beats. Anyway, this show got me to start playing Cyberpunk 2077. I'm only on act 2 but I think that world is a really interesting canvas for storytelling and by going with an anime format they're able to go wild with some of the cyberpsychosis effects and the wild action scenes. Is there another videogame world/universe that you'd like to see expanded through other medium? I'd love to see an Outer Worlds space buddy cop show.


Hello Minnmax, Along with videogames, I like to listen to and keep up with a lot of music. In music, there are a lot of artists that I respect and recognize as good at what they do, but I can't personally get into them. However, this doesnt really happen with videogames. Generally, if I dont personally enjoy a game or a genre, I view it as bad. Do you guys do that as well? Is there a game that you recognize as good but dont enjoy? If not, why does this phenomenon not happen for games? Thanks.

Hugo Pereira

Hello there cohorts! So turns out the last game we picked to play on Cream of the Steam had ARG elements baked into it, which involved going through a website a finding our way through it to unravel the story of a sentient dog AI. This was my first time getting roped into an ARG without knowing beforehand and it was awesome. Have any of y’all had an experience with ARGs before?


I have a thought you guys missed about the days of the week. You all premised your answers (particularly you Monday folks) on the way our capitalist society currently structures the work week—but our 7-day week predates modern labor. The only reason your Monday answers make any sense is because we have made labor the center of our lives. Without the monday-Friday work/school week it has no basis. You know what I have two more points. Even if we accept the labor-first organization of the week, Sunday still makes good sense as the start because of the way we had winter breaks in school: your break started before Christmas and ended after new year, meaning you still have holiday at the start of the new year. In that pattern Sunday follows as the beginning of the week. Also third: I work in Arabic and Hebrew and both languages just number the days of the week so you’re essentially saying “we’ll meet on the third day of the week” and such. BOTH call Sunday “day one”—yom al-ahad and yom ekhad respectively. Plus if you’re in an Arabic speaking country the holy day is Friday (not named for the number but for the day’s activity) and the weekend is Friday Saturday with work beginning on Sunday (that’s for your idea of the labor-focused week). So… it’s Sunday.

Shimmy Neutron

Hello fellow gamers. Public service announcement, gaming is kinda poppin' off right now. The next 16 months are gonna be crazy. As the great philosopher king Sam Jackson said "hold on to your butts"


Hey Minns & Maxes, with God of War Ragnorak coming out nex soon, Sony Santa Monica has said this will be the final chapter of this iteration. I applaud them by not trying to stretch the story out and ‘milk’ the franchise. I also like that they have changed directors through the two games. With that said, what reboot(not remake) would you guys like to see that would breath new life into a favorite game(series) of yours. Thanks for the laughs as always!


Sup Chooms! A year ago after CP2077's disastrous launch word came out from the CDPR developers (via a Jason Schrier article, IIRC) that they told management that they needed until 2022 to fully deliver what they promised. With new interest in the game via the Edgerunners anime: 1. Other than "No Man's Sky", can you think of any game that has had as big a turnaround as CP2077? 2. Is it even worth getting in on the groundfloor on current gen AAA releases or is it better to wait the 2-3 years it takes for the definitive edition with all bug fixes and DLC included to release?

James Pies

Hey gang, In regards to God of War: Ragnarok, do we all assume it's a given that Kratos will defeat Thor and his hammer Mjölnir will be a new playable weapon? My hope is that this expectation is subverted and instead, Kratos shatters the hammer with the leviathan axe, causing it to become infused with electric power. The axe could then have the ability to switch elements between ice and lightning in real time, making for more dynamic combat and complicated puzzle solving without cumbersome inventory switch-ups. I'm no Jaffe or Barlog, but I think this is a smashing idea. Whoever agrees say "boy."


Howdy everyone! One of the things I loved most about God of War 2018 was the “No cut” camera. When it was first talked about ahead of release I was worried it wouldn’t feel right especially given the scale of the original series but it ended up being one of the most interesting parts of the game for me. Did this aspect stand out to you during your play through? Will you miss the single take style if God of War Ragnorok goes for a more traditional approach to cutscenes? Also happy birthday to Sarah!


Why hasn’t Dan tack ever a guest on the show I’d love to here him podcast with you all.


Yeah Hanson, what r u even doin out there??? We the people demand Dan Tack!!! He's dying to get back in the ring with u

John • Gaming In The Wild

I currently have Tunic as my chief GOTY-list "disappointment of the year" contender. Can you think of a game you *expected* to like—maybe even "should" like—that you completely bounced off of?