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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jacob Geller, and special guest Imran Khan. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- GTA 6 Leak

- Wo Long Fallen Dynasty

- Bayonetta 3

- Tokyo Game Show

- Metal Hellsinger

- Half Life 2 VR

- Return to Monkey Island

Due to a mysterious embargo, we'll be sharing the archive of the unedited/raw version of the show for Backstage Pass supporters on Thursday. There also won't be a version going up in the bonus podcast feed on Wednesday.

You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





I find myself running or sprinting 24/7 in any game that has the option. So my question: In what game have you spent the most time walking, by choice. So not including set areas/sections that require you to move at walk-speed


I had a small get together on Sunday night for my birthday (Monday), and with only 7 people there I think it was the perfect size. It's weird to think about times in my life where all I wanted was a big party. Has your ideal birthday celebration size gotten smaller over the years? Thanks, Nick from Atlanta


Hello hello! With lots of GTA 6 fans dragging Rockstar for an unfinished game looking…unfinished, what are some of the roughest pre-release builds you’ve seen throughout the years?


Hi MinnMax & Imran, really appreciate all of your work! I've recently met a fantastic group of friends who are very passionate about videogames and tabletop thanks to a meetup of a scientific divulgation channel. Have you ever had a moment in your life where you realized "there's dozens of us out there!"?


Hope everyone is having a good day. I've got a simple question but it's one I can't stop thinking about. With Splatoon 3 massive first weeks sales. Do you think that it will the best selling game of 2022? And as a follow up do you think it will be the general most played game of the year?


My partner is a veterinarian recommends adopting an older pet if you want a shorter commitment. They tend to be calmer, they’re already housebroken and they always need homes because they’re harder to adopt out.


Will modern games that are good now hold up better in the future than the good games of the past do now?


What is the most photographed thing on planet earth? Not generally, like there are more cat photos than dog photos, I mean actual thing.


Missed joke opportunity (and it's not a pun!): When the question about Kojima's Podcast came in and ended with "Has there ever been a piece of content that made you question a creator?" anyone but Ben should have responded with "Yeah there was this one time a creator suggested we genetically engineer pets to die faster in what could only described as a super villain business proposal."


How long do we think the GTA6 gamer rage will persist? Longer or shorter than the Spider-Man 2018 puddle reduction overreaction? Will it take until RockStar actually drops a trailer? Speculate wildly. Thanks


Hey Horts! I’m a bit behind on podcasts but recently listened to the episode of Level with Emily Reese where she interviewed Ben and Kyle. It was really refreshing to catch you guys on the business end of an interview. Emily a good interviewer so I feel like I got to see a side of you both that just doesn’t come through on your own podcast because duh who wants to talk about themselves at length unprompted! Anyway glad you guys did that!


Hey Ben and cohorts, if you had to pick a game that you believed was ‘perfect’ what would it be? By ‘perfect’ I mean a game that cannot be improved upon in any way. For example, to me Super Mario World is a ‘perfect’ game. There’s nothing I believe you could do to improve the music, visual design, gameplay, level design etc, and the game has no gameplay bugs or errors. It is the definition of a ‘perfect’ game. So what do you believe is a perfect game? A game with nothing that could be done to improve it…