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Hello everybody and thank you for joining us on this adventure! It's time to submit your comment on the first half of 1992's Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis! For the first discussion, we're covering everything in the game up until you get to Crete. Please don't spoil anything after that point in the comments!

Submit one comment below and please get specific. Don't write a long review, please keep your one comment to around the length of a tweet. I repeat: please keep your one comment to around the length of a tweet. We want to get to as many comments as possible. Let's get specific, submit a comment about your favorite line of dialogue, puzzle, animation, character, movie reference, etc. The more specific you are, the higher the odds of us reading your comment during the discussion. We'll finish collecting comments on Monday morning.

We're recording The Deepest Dive on Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis on Monday at 5pm Central, and you can watch us record it live on MinnMax's Twitch channel.

You can unlock the podcast version of the discussion in your favorite podcast app by supporting MinnMax at the $5 tier.

Next week we're covering everything else in the game, so please get your thoughts ready. We'll have the post up on Sunday the 18th.

Become a Game Champion by supporting MinnMax at the $50 tier on Patreon and lock in the game of your choice! https://www.patreon.com/minnmax

Def Jam: Fight for NY - Daniel Bickerton

They Bleed Pixels - Kendrick Fortune

Nightmare Ned - SpiralInYourEyes

Clubhouse Games on DS - Divorced Cougar (Mike M)

Clocknockers - GAMES.ARCHOR.COM

Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - Joe Dean

Bayonetta 2 - Patrick Polk

Splatoon 3 - IanTClark

Chromehounds - Clemens Zobel

Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast - Starkiller

Total War: Warhammer 3 - Maniac

Star Wars: Yoda Stories - PrettyGoodPrinting.com

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX - Miguel Medjai

Superman 64 - Zachary Pligge

McDonald’s Treasure Land Adventure - Sandshrewd

Final Fantasy IV - Interrotta

Donkey Kong Country 3 - Otsego12

Graffiti Kingdom - DominicCichocki

Twisted Metal 2 - Jawarhello

Illusion of Gaia - Spider_Dan

Ghost of Tsushima - ProcyonNumber6



Want another fun fact? It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.


We named the pig Indiana.


Hello MinnMax crew and fellow community! I thought it could be fun to hear about your history with point and clicks games. I grew up playing Clue Jr Spy Glass Mysteries which came with a magnifying glass to plug in to the PC and would light up over clues when you held it over the screen. Also played the Freddy the Fish and Scooby doo point and clicks and loved them as a kid. For specifics with Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: If you keep asking Dr. Heimdall about the bronze eel he will say that it is an Atlantean fishtrap, an Atlantean lighthouse, radio, or footwarmer. What is up with this guy? When I went back to the cave later I swear I audibly gasped. It was so unexpected that he is just sitting there frozen to death and Indie has a pretty casual reaction. Why does Old Man Costa keep running back inside?? Just stay out here and finish this conversation you old coot! Trottier part is where I learned I need to save much more often. I was too arrogant and he would not talk to me afterwards. Even after apologizing ten times he did not believe in my sincerity so I think the game might have locked there but idk. I have heard three separate jokes about a dog being named Indiana. I landed a hot air balloon on a nazi that was shooting at me and it was my favorite part of the game so far. Favorite line so far, Sophia: Spaceport, my eye! Probably too long for Ben but maybe the community will find this interesting. After skimming through Ben's playthrough I found that our games are playing out differently. I had to go to Monte Carlo, get Trottier into hotel room for a Seance, flipped off the circuit breaker and shined a flashlight in to Trottier's face like an idiot. He left angry. I went to Algiers, stole a mask from the merchant, went back to monte carlo, got Trottier back into the hotel room for another Seance and then turned the lights out, put on mask and bed sheet and flashlight and scared him in to thinking I was Nur-Ab-Sal. He then left the sun stone for me to take back to Algiers. After a long series of trades I climbed in to a hot air balloon used for sightseeing while tethered to the ground but I cut the rope and used the balloon to get to the dig site. Sorry hot air balloon merchant idk how your going to feed yourself now. The game suddenly turns in to Pilotwings for super nintendo as I fly downwards in circles trying to land on a target. I have not had any combat scenarios like Ben had.

DJ Tommy Pizza

If only Indy and Sophia looked to the left in Tikal, they could've avoided that mess in the jungle


I forgot to play this game over the weekend, so only got a little bit in this morning. So, uh, how about that Dr. Heimdall's accent? It's..uh..something.

DJ Tommy Pizza

What's up with the animation in the beginning? How many floors does Indy fall through? How tall is that building? Poor guy


As a programmer by day, I just want to point out how cool of a system ScummVM is. The ability to do so many actions on every interactable object is nuts from just a game design perspective.


I don’t have much experience with point-and-click games but putting items together to solve puzzles make sense from a gameplay perspective unless it’s a rag and an arrowhead that doesn’t quite look like a screwdriver. The not so obvious solutions have me looking at a guide while I play, which is fine since I like the game for its dialogue and story so far. It really nails that Indiana Jones feel but it’s still not Lego Indiana Jones!


One thing that might be worth noting is how "fair" Lucas Art adventure games typically are. Outside of losing a fistfight there are rather few places to die and get a game over. Also as far as I'm aware there are no "walking dead" states in the game where you can enter an area of the game where you can't progress because you forgot an item. You can just touch everything and talk to everyone and eventually find your way.


Ben, I have to tell you potsherds is a real word. I have volunteered on a couple archaeological excavations in the middle east and the professional archaeologists said the proper term for shards of pottery was in fact potsherds. I don't have a clear idea why sherds and not shards but this has held very consistently across all the archaeologists I have talked to since!