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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Janet Garcia, Jacob Geller, and Leo Vader. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, news story, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- PAX Highlights

- Immortality

- Gears of War

- Assassin's Creed Rogue

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday at 1:30pm Central, with an exclusive pre and post show. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Who’s someone you look up to in the industry that you feel “does your job better than you do”? Be that podcasting, reviewing, video essays, whatever!


Hey Ben and the Shrek Trekkers, Making my way through the shrek 2 stream and hear you guys talking a bunch about the voice actors, which sent me down a rabbit hole of “what else did each of these characters voice?” Can you guess which of the playable characters (Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, Gingerbread man) actually did voice acting for the Shrek 2 movie? (Answer in a reply to this comment)


The voice actor for Donkey in the game actually voiced the talking dresser mirror in the movie. Other fun facts: Shrek’s voice actor voiced pretty much every single male character in Skyrim, and Gingerbread man was Obi-Wan in the Clone Wars tv series.

Harrison Holt-McHale

Hey MinnMax! I think everyone loves Gears of War's Lancer right? It's just a very cool design. But, if you could have any carefully crafted weapon that combined a melee and a projectile, what would it be and why? Cheers, Harrison


Given the release of The Rings of Power and The House of the Dragon, is it better for us to ignore or to talk about the ignorant discourse around race/women. I’m not entirely sure where I stand on this, because I think we have argued about it enough, and there is nothing left to add to the conversation. But at the same time, ignoring people who deal with daily attacks seems counter-productive.

John • Gaming In The Wild

Do Assassin's Creed games get a bad rap? When I was playing Valhalla recently, I realised that I take it less seriously than say, Tsushima or Horizon, because it's part of the AC continuum. But the overall quality, storytelling, range of activities, and audio-visual presentation is sky-high, industry-leading stuff. Do we take these games for granted?


Hello to the team at MinneapolisMaxeapolis - Do y'all think that services like Gamepass could make it more difficult for expensive, single player, games to get made? I was recently replaying The Last Of Us 2, and that game just feels expensive. With no multiplayer to buy skins for, and no plans for DLC, I was thinking that in say, 5 years time, a game like this might not get made if it's only real destination is to join a library of free games like Gamepass or Playstation Plus where it doesn't really have a direct path to making all the money that was spent on it back. I know Sony have said they're going to keep charging for new releases, but a lot can change in 5 years. What do you think?


Hey MinnMaxers, I was at PAX over the weekend and played Tinykin because the art style really caught my eye. I’ve never played a Pikmin style game (nor Chibirobo) but am very interested in jumping into this genre now. Have you ever played a game at a convention that you thought wasn’t in your wheelhouse and just fell in love? Side note: Lies of P was my personal game of the show, still not sure about that name though. I had the pleasure of meeting Kelsey at the Pink Gorilla booth. I also saw Janet outside restaurant making a food vlog on the street and I didn’t want to interrupt her content to say hi, so “Hi Janet!”


One of my favorite things about Assassins creed rogue is the shorter main quest supplemented by expansive side quests. All killer no filler! What is your perfect blend of game content for main-quest to side-quest? For me it is about 30/70. Thanks and byyyyeeeee


Hey Team! I recently re-binged a bunch of the YouTube videos on the Game Makers Toolkit channel and I was wondering: If you woke up tomorrow with all the tech skills and know-how necessary to develop a game, what genre of game would you be most interested in developing/designing? Alternately, what aspect of a game would you most want to work on? I would personally love to work on a first person immersive sim, like Dishonered or Bioshock 1. A specific aspect would be to work on a 'system' within an immersive sim or some other genre bending game like Breath of the Wild or Assassin's Creed. Lastly, thanks for making Minneapolis look so good! I'm proud to be from the same city as MinnMax and GI


Hey Minnmaxers - So, upcoming games to look forward to . . . A great deal of lists have Atomic Heart and Where Winds Meet. A Russian studio and a Chinese studio. Is it okay to get excited about these developer's games? I feel a bit off because Atomic Heart has been on my radar for years, but doesn't seem ethical to back a Russian studio in these times.