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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kelsey Lewin, 8-4's John Ricciardi, and Giant Bomb founder Jeff Gerstmann. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize (pictured below) for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Live A Live

- Preserving game history

- Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday at 3:30pm Central, with an exclusive pre and post show. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hi everyone, With certain stylizations of major intellectual properties entering public domain recently/soon, what do you think is the biggest property a notable-ish studio would be willing to tackle? Is there a studio you’d like to see take on a specific property? Some notable IP entering/soon-to-be public domain: -Early versions of Winnie the Pooh -The source material for Bambi -Early Sherlock Holmes stories -Felix the Cat -Steamboat Willie/Mickey Mouse (2024) -Popeye (2025) -Early Looney Toons (2026) -Lots of old books!


Question for Kelsey - My son was just given an original Gameboy pocket. Can you recommend any standout or unique games from that generation?


Hello everyone! Recently while at a video game convention I came across something that not only had I never seen before but something I thought I would never see: A software development kit for the Game Boy Advance with all of the software and hardware included. Unfortunately I did not have the $600 it went for in disposable income to spend on something I -- to be honest -- would never use. My question(s) for you: What is the most significant piece/artifact of video game that you have ever seen and what do you consider to be the "white whale" for video game historians?


Hey all! If you were the main character in a scenario of Live A Live, what would your gameplay mechanic/shtick be?


Hey all, Kevin here. Quick question while we all think our favorite video game is a 10/10 what is the one thing you would want to change to improve your favorite video game of all time?


I'm starting a podcast for the first time and I'm pooping my pants with nervousness. Any tips? How do you organize the members of the pod? How do you structure conversations without coming across as pushy. Need help from the best Podcaster of all time! Thanks! I love the show. I look forward to it every week.


I was listening to another podcast about three years ago (sorry Ben), and they had a guest on that worked for Ubisoft as an animator. He talked about a little known industry term called TTP (Time To Penis). This was described as the the time it takes, after giving players the ability to create user based content, that content featuring male genitalia appears. Is this for real? Have you heard of TTP? Sorry for the late comment, I'm happy to submit again next week.


Hey everyone. Remember “OK Soda”? I still have all the labels and cans for some reason. I was obsessed with that garbage when it released even though I knew it was a marketing experiment. Anyways, do you think that video games sometimes feature too much music? I like when games let some silence in and ambient sound effects. It seems to give single player games a nice meditative quality. -Burningtime from Boston


I'm just a humble lover of podcasts, but I feel like there needs to be structured segments to keep it interesting. I've listened to a couple of my friends podcasts that sounded like an hour of meandering thoughts without reason. As much as I want to support them, I can't listen to that for too long.


Follow up to last week or maybe the weeks before podcast…I firmly believe that In and Out is the best burger on the planet! I travel to CA about once a month for work, and I basically live off In and Out when I’m there. When I’m back home in WA I use this recipe to get my fix. I challenge any one to make a better burger than this. Perfection! https://dinnerthendessert.com/in-n-out-cheeseburger/


Question for Jeff: how big is Matthew Rories head… really?

Michael Baker

I don't have a question but I want to see Jeff clap in.


listening to the episode right now and Ben said he didn't see a lot of people championing Live A Live. Ben check out IGN's Peer did a twitter thread about Live a Live because he was living in Japan when it came out