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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and Janet Garcia. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Our six most-anticipated games of 2022/running down the release calendar

- Feel free to share which under the radar game you're really looking forward to this year in the comments!

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday at 1:30pm Central, with an exclusive pre and post show. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Super excited for Trek to Shrek. My neighbour had shrek 2 on the ps2 when we were growing up. The catch, none of us owned memory cards leading to multiple attempts at marathoning out shriek 2 until we managed to stop his mom from turning off the PlayStation by stacking stuff infront of it so she thought it was off. Do you all have any crazy marathon stories from growing up?


hey all Which video game company has the best logo?


What was ya'lls first PC game? I remember going over to a family friends house in the 90's and they had a PC, which was still quite rare. They were financially well off, the husband being an electrician. PC's were quite expensive and didn't do much, and I don't remember knowing anyone else who owned one in the 90's. They had this game called Doom! It didn't even use the mouse, or maybe no one knew how to enable it in game back then. I remember being fascinated by it and not wanting to stop playing, even though it scared me a good amount. And I was pretty bad at it, being pretty young at the time. I was probably seven to ten years old.


Hi everyone, If you were given the task at an arcade to come back with as many tickets as possible, what game or games would you play to achieve this goal? Even in my thirties I still have a love for traditional arcades and will make time to go when possible. My goal is to typically hit the jackpot on ski-ball (multiple times), As well as another game that I don't know the name of, but it involves throwing beanbags through rotating holes. Now I don't have a kid and the prizes are typically useless to me, but since my wife is a teacher we pick out some prizes for her students and then we give away the majority of our tickets to some random kid we pick when we are about to leave. Thanks, Dan


Hey MinnMaxers, with all the talk about lists recently, it got me thinking: is there a game that you guys think slipped through the cracks? That you think should be in the discussion of best ever, but no one ever talks about?

Kyle Silva

Hey guys. I got a Better Quest goal. With The Oregon Trail Apple Arcade game having a new feature that tracks your steps and count them towards progress in an Oregon Trail walking game, I want to speedrun The Oregon Trail in 300 days. This would put me on an average of 10.7 km a day 6.66 miles a day. Hopefully I won’t get dysentery along the way.


I've been playing Legend of Dragoon on my PS3 lately and I noticed something strange. The world map can be loaded from any disc, but as soon as you enter a specific location, you'll be asked to insert the correct disc. This is weird because most segments of the world map are specific to each disc. I was curious if anyone has any idea why this is.


Hey MinnMaxers, In a lot of games, movies and books there is a date set in the future such as 2099 or 2047 do you think that we will ever reach a time of the future with flying cars and holographic technology? What do you think might actually be in that future and how would gaming change?


Hi All, I'm a high school teacher and I have been approved to teach a 15 week elective on "The History of Video Games". It will be an hour each class, it will be once a week, and the course will run twice a year. My question is, what should I teach?!? My current thoughts are discussing the generations, influential people, and important moments. I'm thinking about including "Console Wars" to read as well. What do you think? What would you teach and how should I go about it? I've got all summer to develop my curriculum, and if you can help me out, I promise to add all of your names at the beginning of each lesson as "experts". Rick from Brooklyn


Hey MinnMaxers, In a lot of games, movies and books there is a date set in the future such as 2099 or 2047 do you think that we will ever reach a time of the future with flying cars and holographic technology? What do you think might actually be in that future and how would gaming change?