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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and Leo Vader. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Nintendo Direct Mini highlights

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live on Wednesday at 2:30pm Central, with an exclusive pre and post show. The unedited archive will be available to view after the fact. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!



Here's your prize from iam8bit if you submit the best question this week!



Hello Spence Manson and the Ninnsmax Crew, If you had to curse someone for whatever reason, but you had to pick a curse that isn't explicitly noticeable as a curse, what curse would you choose? Some examples: - 80% of traffic lights the person comes to turn red - They wake up one hour earlier than their alarm, always - Every time they fart, it smells extremely terrible - Anytime they sit down, they get a wedgie Praise the Chibi Robo, Podbod


Bonjour! I have just returned from a trip to Paris. While I did not bring any gaming devices of my own, I saw plenty of 3DS's draped around Tourists' necks at the Louvre Museum. It was interesting, jarring, and funny all at the same time as I watched someone zoom in on a visual representation of the Mona Lisa on a 3DS. Have any of you experienced something similar where gaming devices/accessories were being used in a place you were not expecting? Au revoir, Dan


Salutations cohorts! When the day finally comes for the last chapter to be entered in your story, what will your family and friends put in your casket? Are there any game boxes, cd cases, or other kind of swag that people think is so apart of who you are that they believe should be buried with you forever? Hope I didn’t bring down the room, thanks!


Do you think Kratos is ever gonna tell Atreus that he murdered his wife and child? They had this big confession scene at the end of God of War 2018 but all Kratos says is “I killed my father” and I remember thinking, “Who gives a shit?” Kratos didn’t even find out Zeus was his Dad until the God of War 2. He spent most of his life thinking he was a mortal man and he certainly wasn’t raised by Zeus. Furthermore, Zeus was a bad dude who deserved to die. Kratos’ whole internal conflict for like a billion games was that he felt immense guilt for killing his wife and child. The first game literally opens with Kratos leaping from a cliff to attempt suicide to “end his nightmares.” Then at the end of God of War 2018 he does that thing where he takes arm-wrappings off and says “I have nothing more to hide” and stares at the sun for awhile while triumphant music plays, but meanwhile, Kratos is still hiding the fact that he killed his wife and child. Are Sony Santa Monica just hoping that everyone forgot he killed his wife and child? Thanks for reading, Colton from Cape Cod


Hello Bro-Horts, I'm a high school teacher, I teach American Sign Language, and I have just been approved to teach a 15 week elective on "The History of Video Games". It will be an hour each class, it will be once a week, and the course will run twice a year. My question is, what should I teach?!? My current thoughts are, two lessons per generation, highlighting important games, influential figures, and important moments. I'm thinking about including "Console Wars" to read as well. What do you think? What would you teach and how should I go about it? I've got all summer to develop my curriculum, and if you can help me out, I promise to add all of your names at the beginning of each lesson as "experts" and send a pic as proof. Rick from Brooklyn


Hallo. Did you know that the movie Scorpion King 5: Book of souls is a sequel to a sequel to a sequel to a prequel of a spin-off prequel of a sequel to a remake? Scorpion King 2 is a prequel to the first scorpion king which is a spin-off prequel to the second Mummy movie. The first Mummy movie is a remake of the classic one from 1932. Hate your show!


This just in: John Cena really enjoyed Metroid Dread after he told Nintendo he liked 2D Metroid games in 2017. What's the silliest news article born out of a celebrity tweet/throw-away comment you've read? (Or the silliest headline, because there's no way any of us actually read those, right?)


What's the best use of "mismatched" music in a game or other media? I recently saw the movie "Shadow in the Cloud" and I liked the use of '80s synth music in a World War II setting.


Do you feel that some gamers place too high of expectations for every single presentation of the "big 3"? Browsing forums the past few years it seems that most conferences with very rare exceptions, people expect tons of groundbreaking announcements and get disappointed.


Hey, you done Ben horted Last week Ben mentioned he thought there was an explanation for déjà vu. I was screaming at the top of my lungs "Implicit Memory!" We use past experiences to remember things without thinking about them. Like being Miyagi'd (Wax on. Wax off.) We can experience similar sensory cues and associate them as a complete past experience even though it's only similar. He may also have been thinking of split perception where you basically log a memory twice and perceive it as being logged far in the past instead of a mere fraction of a second. What is a theory or fact you know that you never get tired of saying "Get a load of this!" to when it comes up in conversation? Déjà vu is obviously one of mine.


Hey crew, How do you feel about games OSTs in 2022? I feel like we're about to witness a fierce music battle but most people haven't realized so already: the latest Sunbreak trailer featured an outstanding song that remembered me I really loved the soundtrack of the base game. On top of that we recently got confirmation that Yoko Shimomura rearranged Live A Live AND will be feautred in Sparks of Hope. Personally I'm already drooling in wait for Xenoblade 3's soundtrack and this is just Switch titles that recently got news! Cuphead is around the corner too and so is Ragnarock!


Have video games ever gotten you to look into things mentioned in them or learn more about things in their story? I've been playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla lately, and it's gotten me to learn a lot more about the Viking Age in England. I think it's super cool that they use relatively obscure characters in that game, and tell fictionalized versions of actual events, like the overthrow of the Mercian king.