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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have the full crew of Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, Janet Garcia, Leo Vader, and Sarah Podzorski. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 8am Central on Wednesday.

We're devoting the full episode to your questions this week, so feel free to ask about any gaming news, what we've been playing, or anything else you have on your mind!

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hey Co-Horts, Did you all ever have a Game Boy Camera? I got one a few years ago and think it’s really neat. What are some of your fave handheld accessories? Best,

Kyle Silva

Hey MinnMax, please cleanse me of my gaming sins. Back in January 2017, I waited 4+ hours in front of GameStop to pre-order a Switch and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Collector’s Edition. It was an incredibly cold morning and I was alone in this line for 2 or so hours at this point. I decided to walk down the plaza to warm up in the gym’s sauna for 10 minutes, so I could feel my toes again. When I walked back to wait at GameStop, I was not alone as a couple of guys came to wait for Switch pre-orders. Even though I came back into the line later, the two were very understanding and let me back in the front of the line. Come the moment GameStop opens I make my order for the Switch and the Collector’s Edition of Zelda. Before I leave, I can hear the nice guy behind me try to place an order for BOTW collector’s edition, only to be told that they’re out of pre-order copies of it. I left as though I heard nothing and i would wound up picking up the collector’s edition at launch. Should I have given my copy away to the guys that let me cut them in line? Is this sin to heinous to be forgiven?


What's the deal with concept art? Do you enjoy it as a reward in games? I don't think it feels like a reward at all. What do you think is the best kind of non gameplay related rewards in games?


Follow up to Andreas' question: Same goes for concept art and skins as a bonus when games launch in different version, such as BF2042 did. Does these rewards entice you to pay extra for games? Why/why not?


What is MP? What does it stand for? (Mana or Magic?) Where is it stored in the body? (An existing or new organ?) What uses a small or big amount? Bye.


Since it’s backlog season I’ve been playing some old deepest dives. I played Edith Finch and am currently working through Chrono Trigger. I’ve left new comments on the respective DD comment threads. Am I just to late? Do you ever see MinnMax revisiting any previous DD games? Regardless I’ll continue to play, comment, and listen along! Much love


I don't think Elden Ring is for me, and I'm ashamed about it. I think part of it might be because I can't commit to play sessions longer than an hour every few days, so remembering my way around the large dungeons is a nightmare. I loved BoTW and its open exploration, but I think that game tended to be a lot more bite sized - allowing me to pick it up and do something small when I can. I also enjoyed its sense of fun and catchy music to give me a sense of place. I guess I have 2 questions, is this a valid take? I know you guys all love this game, do you know anyone who doesn't? Also - do you have any games that you forced yourself to play, even though you weren't feeling it personally?


Question for Leo specifically, but anyone that struggles in a similar way is free to chime in! How does his ADHD affect his gaming habits? I was diagnosed with adhd a few years ago and with it came a retrospective understanding of many of the reasons I struggled in life without fully understanding why. More relevantly, it explained some quirks with my relationship with gaming and certain habits I think are heavily influenced by this condition. To cut a long story short, one of these ways is that I find it extraordinarily hard to play the majority of games past the first 10 minutes. However when I find a game that does manage to grab my attention, I find it extraordinarily hard to play anything else, to the point of feeling burnt out with the game yet unable to put it down because it’s one of those rare things that has managed to grip me. This goes for film, music, any form of art, really. I’m just curious, if Leo even wants to share this personal info, about how Leo thinks his ADHD affects his relationship with gaming? Does it make things harder? Easier? A bit of both? His video on his journey with ADHD is a bit of a touchstone for me when it comes to understanding my own condition, so I'd love his insight on this if he's willing to share :)


Ben used to piece together a person's life from old memory cards. So I thought I would propose a spiritual successor of sorts. Here's the game. Writers list their 10 favorite games in alphabetical order. And it's up to the cast to interpret what these games say about the writer. So here are my top 10 games Banjo Kazooie Chrono Cross Donkey Kong Country Etrian Odyssey 4 Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 1 Kirby Super Star Pokemon LeafGreen Pokemon Black 2 Stardew Valley Tetris Attack Here's my bonus fact according to my game log I have seen credits roll on over 400 games.


Hi MinnMax! A few podcasts ago you asked if anyone runs while listening to the minnmax show, and I actually do enjoy listening on my long run days. I highly recommend it to fellow runners. My question is this: if you held up pictures of Kirby, Jigglypuff, and the pink ghost from Pacman to the general public, what percentage of people do you think could actually identify which one is Kirby? As a bonus question, what percentage of people think Kirby is a Pokemon? Thanks for all the great podcasts!


Hi gang! Fairly recently, Hanson mentioned that an Old Testament Lego set was a gold mine waiting to happen. When do you think an Old Testament video game is going to hit the market? In the same vein, what are your thoughts on the upcoming VR title, I Am Jesus Christ? Is this the game that's going to bring VR even deeper into the main stream? Thanks for being awesome!

Payt Rheon

Do you think if you were transported 200 years into the past that you'd have the ability to be successful? I was thinking about this the other day, and it's more likely I'd me burned as a witch. I don't know how to create modern technology, I can't play an instrument, my current profession relies on modern devices, my knowledge of history isn't that great so I'm not stopping assassination. So in 1820, what's you job or how are you making money?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 06:10:38 Hey MinnMax! I was wondering what your thoughts on the shorter, condensed and linear experience is versus the big, endless, open world experience and why the latter has become such a huge focus? It seems like anytime I talk to my friends I'm the only one who prefers the shorter 6-10 hour experiences that are more focused whereas everyone else prefers the massive worlds & never ending roguelike games. They all seem the same to me! As a bonus question, what's the most unique game you have played?
2022-04-27 13:08:15 Hey MinnMax! I was wondering what your thoughts on the shorter, condensed and linear experience is versus the big, endless, open world experience and why the latter has become such a huge focus? It seems like anytime I talk to my friends I'm the only one who prefers the shorter 6-10 hour experiences that are more focused whereas everyone else prefers the massive worlds & never ending roguelike games. They all seem the same to me! As a bonus question, what's the most unique game you have played?

Hey MinnMax! I was wondering what your thoughts on the shorter, condensed and linear experience is versus the big, endless, open world experience and why the latter has become such a huge focus? It seems like anytime I talk to my friends I'm the only one who prefers the shorter 6-10 hour experiences that are more focused whereas everyone else prefers the massive worlds & never ending roguelike games. They all seem the same to me! As a bonus question, what's the most unique game you have played?

Payt Rheon

I have the same experience with giant open world games, it seems as I get older and have less time for games I don't want to grind through 100 hours of a game. It'd be awesome if developers started adding a condensed option of games where you could just jump to the story beats of the game.