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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, and Sarah Podzorski. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- PlayStation Plus vs GamePass

- Breath of the Wild 2's delay

- Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

- Kirby and the Forgotten Land

- Ghostwire: Tokyo

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





To whom it may concern (just kidding, hi, hello), I was hoping I could pick your brains a bit, in a friendly way, about a recent discussion on the podcast that actually bummed me out a bit - The Hogwarts Legacy discussion. Hogwarts Legacy has made it abundantly clear to fans that JK Rowling is not involved in the project and that you can actually make a trans character in the game. It has probably hundreds or thousands of people working tirelessly to capture the magic (barf) of the books and movies, despite its author being a horrible bigot, AND the development of the game predates her transphobic comments. So my question is this (and I promise I’m just trying to make the show better through positive, friendly, ethical discussion): when controversy arises in the video game industry, do we have a moral obligation to boycott or refuse to promote a game as a result, despite the hard work of every innocent person involved? I, myself, am torn. For Activision, I think yes. For Hogwarts, I think no. I’d love your feedback.


Hey everyone, Working a time-consuming job that's not in entertainment, I constantly find myself lagging behind on new video games and films when I scroll through Tik Tok or listen to podcasts. Are there any hobbies that still cause FOMO since your jobs are mostly focused on video games?


Hi Minty Maxxers! You are an NPC in a video game. You see the player approaching you. What quest are you giving them and what is their reward? Also, will you attack them if they go into your hut and steal your gold that you had saved up to go on a trip down south? Cheers from Toronto Canada R0CK3T5YNT5T aka Keith(Rocket Scientist)

Kyle Silva

Hey guys. A couple weeks ago, you talked about Square Enix and their output today vs their output from the 90’s. It got me wondering: What decade do you think Capcom made their best titles?


Hey Gang I'm glad Sony decided to just roll PS Now into PS Plus. It makes more sense as an established brand and has the larger install base. However, I've noticed a lot of people talking about their disappointment in not including first party games day one like Microsoft does. While it would certainly be nice, I can understand from a business point of view why they wouldn't. They historically make a huge return and I can't imagine them putting on a service that will likely break even for awhile. Thoughts from the group?


Hey! I want to shout out the new overworld mechanic in Tiny Tina. It caught me off guard when I first got to it and so far I think it's really fun. It's as goofy as anything else Borderlands does and it's a clever fix to the "yet another bandit camp" problem. Also the voice acting is top notch and even though the writing will get pooped on by the entire industry, I end up laughing at least once per play session (how many From Software games can you say that about??)


With all the obvious caveats about how the world has changed in the past couple years, I still don’t see how Nintendo can justify BOtW2 taking 6+ years to develop. This is also part of a trend where every subsequent Zelda game is taking longer to come out. There are people in high school right now who have only been alive for the release of two mainline titles. I don’t want Zelda to be like Pokémon, but surely something can be done to make this development cycle more frequent. Thoughts?


Hey guys, long time listener first time post-er. The Monday party chat show finally convinced me to join the Patreon as it’s basically a 2nd podcast each week! With Botw2 being delayed til Spring 2023, there’s already speculation about it co-launching with a Switch 2. If that were to happen, what price do you think Nintendo would get away with charging for a new console? It would have to be more expensive than the current switch, but do you think they can get away with charging “current gen” prices when the graphics of a portable system will still be a full generation behind? I know portability is a special feature, but I feel like the wonder of playing on the go has worn off and I rarely see a Switch out in the wild.


With Elden ring being a smash hit thanks to its gameplay and setting and the lore and world-building, what developer would you like to see George RR Martin work with next? personally, I want to see Bioware saved, and I think asking Martin to help with Dragon Age 4 would be legendary


One of my favourite genres is horror. The one major drawback with the franchise is that most of them lack the ability to tell an engaging story to get me invested in characters when they die. Does the panel think there are Horror games that tell engaging stories while also managing to be scary? (I know you're thinking The Last of Us but let's be honest are those games scary?)


With all the stress of Elden ring winding down I feel like relaxing in my happy place. for me that's beaches specifically in video games that's super Mario sunshine and pokemon sun and moon. what's is the panel's happy place and what's the best version of that happy place they've seen in games?


I just watched "Contagion" (dir. Steven Soderbergh) and it was extremely eerie how closely this movie about what would happen in America during outbreak matched what happened in America during an outbreak (even down to the origin of the virus in the movie being !SPOILER! a bat from China !/SPOLER!). Anyways, watching this brought me to this question - As new shows/films are coming out, some shows/films set during modern times are either showing the pandemic habits (masks, distancing, etc.), or showing "pre-pandemic" habits (for lack of a better word). As a viewer, what do you all prefer? I'll admit in the beginning of 2020 I didn't really want to see shows/films reflect our current situation, but seeing shows/films do it now, I'm okay with it. Kind of an acceptance of where we are right now and how we move forward. Or am I just reading too into this?