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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson and Leo Vader podcasting from GDC 2022! We'd love to have your questions about the show itself. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- GDC Highlights

- Ghostbusters: Sprits Unleashed

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hey Minnmaxers, After listening to P.S. I Love You's recent discussions about Elding Ring and with the upcoming GDC I was reminded of a comment Janet had made during your discussion about God of War Ragnarok in that the basic plot of GOW PS4 wasn't necessarily a new idea but HOW they executed it made it special. So my question is what's your favorite game or gaming moment that was special because of HOW it was done not just what was done? Also 1 Rule: Let's just acknowledge right out the gate that Breath of the Wild falls in this category.


If you had to present at a conference, which conference would you choose and what would your topic be?

Mars Barrow

In 2011, Satoru Iwata talked about the increased cost (both financially and mentally) of game development. He mentioned his concerns over the lack of quality in "social" games and the overall lack of polish that could be missing from "high value" games. My question is, as some game devs continue to push the envelope in graphics, sound and overall production, have we now hit a point where this is no longer sustainable? I think about the countless delays (pandemic or not) and the amount of games that launch in an unfinished state and wonder if Iwata was right when he voiced his concerns over the never-ending push towards high end processors in game systems. What say you guys? Thank you for the great show, week in and week out. -Mars, from Minnesota


Hey MinnMax, how do you feel after finishing a game you really enjoyed? My first thought would be happy, but not always. Use a game as an example and describe how you felt after you beat it.


With elden ring being the ubiquitous GOTY, would a game from your favourite franchise unseat it as GOTY if it were to come out this year? Think FF7 remake part 2, or Hitman 4


Hey friends, could you try describing GDC in three words using "G" "D" and "C" as the starting letter for each word (cannot use game, developers, or conference as any of the words)? Thanks, Dan


With what is going on in Ukraine, will there be any changes to games and media having Russian content? Most military shooters have Russia as a side in conflict or a team in multiplayer. Will there be less media about Russia? Or will there be no change. Bye.


Personally, it makes me not even want to play games developed in Russia. I was hyped by Atomic Heart but with not even a public denouncement of the war it makes me completely disinterested. Yes, I know that such actions can lead to punishment for those in Russia, but knowing this does little to change my mind when I know people who have already died, lost their homes completely, and are fighting to defend their country right now. In COD games Russia generally does play an antagonistic role (like MW) so I imagine that won't change, but maybe it'll be handled with a little more sensitivity. But to many Eastern European countries and countries that were a part of the Soviet Union, this should have been the case for a while. Let us not forget Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 and Chechniya in the 1990s.


Do you have a sense of how hot and heavy the developers at GDC are on the different platforms? Are they growing tired of the limitations of the Switch? Are they excited to develop for PS5/Series X? Any talk of the Playdate? And if you feel like sharing, how about your feelings in early 2022?


Hello straight up giraffes, have you ever been summoned for jury duty? It would be interesting to hear some stories of time as a juror and what it's like. Thanks!


Hey MinnMaxers! It’s so great to see you on the road again! Brings back memories of E3s and cover story trips of old. Whats a tidbit about one of your favorite games (or it’s development) that you feel like you’re the only person who knows about?


Hey MinnMaxers, first time asking a question. Do you have a song or album that always makes you think of a game, or vice versa? For me it’s B.O.B.’s Psychedelic Thoughts album and Fallout 4’s Nuka World DLC. Now every time I hear it I think of sneaking though the Nuka Quantum factory and discovering the Queen at the end. What’s yours?


Hi MinnMaxx? How’s it being around so many people at GDC after such a hiatus? Oh and anyone get to try the PSVR2?!