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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Leo Vader, and special guest Jacob Geller. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, BetterQuest goal, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Elden Ring

- Street Fighter 6

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hello Cohorts and Special Guest Jacob Geller! What's the biggest gaming lie you've told yourself so far this year? I was originally planning on somehow juggling Horizon, Destiny 2, and Elden Ring once they're all out. It's currently 3AM on Wednesday for me, and I have 39 hours in Horizon and 14 hours in the new Destiny 2 expansion. I think I have to be honest with myself and say Elden Ring is gonna have to wait. I'd love to hear what lies you've told yourself so far. Thanks, Nick from Atlanta

Bryan Sellner

Hey Minnmaxers :) I have a pretty simple question for you. If you could revive one dead franchise what would it be? And also, would you want an updated version or full remake? Excited for the next episode! Thanks 4 da content!


Hey CLCs (and Jacob), What's a game that surprised you by how much time you ended up playing it? One of my recent ones is Valheim. I figured I would like the game, but didn't think I would get so addicted to it that a month and a half into playing with friends, I would have almost 150 hours in it. Thanks! Nick S.


Hey Minnmaxers, Is Elden Ring the FromSoft game that will bring in the most new players? As a fan of the idea of soulsborne games. I do feel really compelled to play it on release. My problem, I am terrible at these games! Which makes me drop them so quickly. The open world aspect seems to be the biggest draw to a lot of players, but does that new element mean I can just run away from really difficult encounters? Knowing that the CCLs are not the biggest FromSoft fans, what are your thoughts on this new soulsborne approach to bring in more players?


Hey crew! I have a bad habit of pulling up twitter as soon as a cutscene or minor conversation starts in games. Ive really noticed myself doing it in Horizon, and I'm trying to stop so i can pay better attention to dialogue and be more present. How are you all at staying focused on games without getting distracted by your phone/social media?


Hey Ben, the CLCs, and Jacob Geller! I'm trying to interrogate a cultural blindspot and need your help: As a consumer, Sony (and by extension their Playstation division) feels like a company founded and headquartered in Japan that puts out content made in Japan (and elsewhere) and is governed my Japanese laws and social mores. Simultaneously, Nintendo feels like a _Japanese company_ through-and-through that wears their cultural identity on their sleeve even while polishing it off of some of their output. Am I off base here? Is it due to the companies' relative sizes and/or differing marketing strategies? Or have I just consumed more inside-baseball content about Nintendo and have a stronger parasocial view on them? Have your experiences with the companies as part of the games press given you a different impression? Bonus points if a panelist can fit Sega into this diagram. :p Thank you, Drew


Howdy CLCs! You get a loan from your local bank to make the best video game themed bar in town. What do you have to have in there? To help generate some ideas, check out one here in Vancouver called “Glitch” https://www.glitchvancouver.com/


Also, since y’all asked about air conditioning, I figured I’d weigh in as an Intern Architect. Before air conditioning was invented, we cooled buildings all the time using good localized building practices. In cool regions like Minnesota, you’d do stuff like maximize south facing windows and place huge hunks of masonry to absorb heat that’d be released slowly throughout the day. In hotter regions do stuff like use courtyards, elongate the building along the east/west axis or raise it up off the ground to promote air flow underneath. Plants and water also help cool a space!


Hey Minnmax cohorts, I recently played through all of God Of War and found myself with some good’ol post-game depression. I haven’t been in a gaming mood since then so I’ve been watching lots of movies I’ve neglected. What do you guys do when you’re not in a gaming mood?


Oh great, I woke up to the review embargo on Elden Ring lifting.

Mike Lynch

Hey y'all. If you could pick one franchise to go away for five years, what would it be? Something that, when it returned, you could get excited for all over again .


Hi all, on the advent of Elden Ring I’ve been thinking about Sekiro and the effect that game had on me. I was put off trying the game because I had some preconceived notions about my skills as a ‘gamer’ that turned out to be misplaced. The process of going from utter despair to eventually feeling like I’d mastered something was so intoxicating that it changed my life - I now seek out challenges in areas outside gaming and generally have a much improved sense of self-belief subsequent to finishing that game. Question is, can any of the cohorts list a game, or moment in a game, that actively changed the way they saw themselves?


I just asked a coworker, 22 years old, if he knew who Chun-Li is, and HE DIDN'T! He loves Wreck-It Ralph, but didn't recognize at least half of the classic characters depicted on the movie. At least, he knows who Sonic is. What other iconic game characters, in your opinion, are fated to be ignored by most of gamers from newer generations?