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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Janet Garcia, Sarah Podzorski, and special guest co-director of the Video Game History Foundation Kelsey Lewin! It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Xbox's Activision Blizzard acquisition

- Nobody Saves the World

- Mother 3

- Tomato Adventure

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hey Minnmax! I like to think I’m pretty good at air hockey. I don’t lose often when I play people at an arcade. What’s an arcade game that you are good at? And what’s your favorite memories at an arcade?


Hey Minnmax cohorts, I’m sure Chrono Cross had a lovely soundtrack but for me it was Tool’s Lateralus album. I played that album on repeat for the entire game. So is there an album you associate a game with?


I get social anxiety especially when meeting new people. Do you have any good conversation starters for when you meet someone new?


Hey Minnmaxers and friend Kelsey! Everyone’s talking about the big Xbox news! It begs the question on a lot of peoples minds, what does Sonys next move look like? Does it mean more acquisitions for them, porting everything to PC, or just keep making damn good IPs? Curious on your thoughts!


Hey Minnmax, and welcome Kelsey! Do you think there is a specific genre of games that is most responsible for getting people into games? Also has this changed over time?


Hey MinnMaxers! Is there some video game news you'll always remember where you were when you heard it? Either because it was big news, or because you were somewhere significant when you learned it?

Sean Mason

Hey CLCs, Since Xbox now owns the Crash and Spyro IP, do you think we could see a new Crash or Spyro game in our future? If so, would you want Toys For Bob to work on them, or prefer another team under the Xbox umbrella? Given the critical praise Crash 4 received, I hope Toys For Bob gets another shot. Best, Sean M.


Is it time for us to stop mentally pairing Sony and Microsoft as competitors and begin viewing Sony more along the lines of a Nintendo (a rich IP holder but not a multitrillion dollar software company with all the motivation in the world to swallow up the gaming industry)? Was that ever even fair? (Even if Sony did "win" a couple of the past generations) And how long before we get an Amazon Playstation? (also... First time long time! Thanks for the opportunity to mini-ramble.)


Hey Minnmaxers! With so many games and such little time, it can sometimes be hard to even complete the main story of a game. That being said, what was the last game you went the extra mile to 100% complete or go for all the achievements / trophies? What drove you to keep going?


Hey Minnmaxers! I think an underdiscussed element of this acquisition is both Microsoft and Activisions incredibly deep ties to the Defense Industry. Do you worry that these deep relationships has the potential to limit the possible themes and storytelling that can be expressed under the Gamespass umbrella?


Please, I beg you Minnmax, don't talk about this Microsoft/Activision acquisition like corporate cheerleaders. Don't be like KFG and IGN If video game media companies loath the console war mentalities why do they talk about video games like sports? who won this generation? who won E3? Aren't they are the ones encouraging this kind of tribalism with their framing of news?


Why do you think there is so much dialog about this merger potentially not going through due to anti-trust issues? This acquisition still has MS behind Sony in terms of “Gaming” revenue once complete. I can’t imagine regulators viewing this as anything more than a competitor getting stronger in the market and improving competition.