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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Leo Vader, Sarah Podzorski, and special guest Suriel Vazquez. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- What we played over the holiday break

- Our Top 10 Games of 2021

- The community's top 10 games of 2021

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hey Friends, What was the best thing you ate over the holiday break? Thanks, Dan


Hey yall! Hope your 2022 still has a chance of being the best of the wheezing 20s. Over break, is there a game you played that you wouldn't have had a chance to normally play that you connected with due to goty, time constraints etc? Maybe an old favorite or something you've been meaning to check out for a while. Thanks for the content, happy new year.


Howdy gang, What do y'all think about games forcing you to lose all your equipment for a section of the game? That one island in breath of the wild and the pit dlc in fallout 3 come to mind. I really enjoy these sections because it encourages you to use weapons or abilities that are usually ignored. Obviously Rogue-likes use this as their entire premise, so it begs the question: what came first? Rogue-likes or these small sections of games where you lose all your stuff? Cheers!


Hey gang, PS VR2 got announced, what are your thoughts on it? Also did see that Sony will be making and selling its own electric cars? Not really gaming related but still mind blowing. Love the content, especially the GOTY played and beat it over break and I loved it! Best, Keegan


I was playing through Parasite Eve again(as is Christmas/New Years tradition!) and was caught by my wife just staring at the screen… I told her that I was imaging what had happened in the city, and going down the rabbit hole. I realized I’ve been doing that in games my whole life. Resident Evil Village for example, just looking at the castle and town and wondering when things got bad, who used to be there, how challenging construction would have been for a castle in the mountains, the life of a construction member, and the more environmental story telling there is in a game, the worse it is. I think my marriage is on thin ice.. AGAIN.. starting 2022 in the dog house, ruff ruff, roo roo, roo roo roo.


If you could make an anime what would it be?


Hi MinnMax. I love the End of Year podcasts that you do. With the MinnMax Awards and the two-tens and the MinnMax GOTY. A lot of the team had wildly different opinions on game endings this year, and that was a real fun argument to see. For the MinnMax Awards, would you consider having a Best Ending category. I feel like a game’s ending really contributes to how well a game experience stays in your mind. Resident Evil Village would be mine. It was my first Resident Evil game (I was to scared to play the any of the others, so I just watched them). And the twist with Ethan was well done. And now I’m looking forward to the next one. What is each Cohort’s best game ending of 2021?


Which presently popular game mechanics do you think will age the worst? And which of your favorite games of the last year do you think will hold up the best and worst in 10 years?


Hey all! What games from 2021 had the best character creation? It seemed like most of the big games in the awards conversations had established characters.


How was your holiday traveling? I got a knife pulled on me after telling a kid not to beat his dogs literally less than one minute after stepping into the old neighborhood where I used to live. We did not engage him physically and he got arrested after we filed a report with 311. I'll admit it's not really a question, just want to mention how I kept cool under pressure after being threatened with a deadly weapon.