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Heads up, folks! With The Game Awards on Thursday night at 7pm Central (we're streaming reactions, by the way), we're delaying the podcast recording this week until Friday. It'll be a live episode on YouTube at 12pm Central.

This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Sarah Podzorski, Leo Vader, and Bryan Vore. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner!

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- The Game Awards highlights

- Halo Infinite

- Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hey Ben&Co, With Halo Infinite coming out this week, I've got a question for you: what is the most iconic Halo weapon? Is it the OG, the assault rifle? Is it one of the greatest melee weapons of all time, the energy sword? Is it the unexpectedly OP pistol from Halo: CE? Or is it something else? Happy Halo-days!


I've really enjoyed the documentary content that MinnMax has put out. I also finally watched that Psychonauts documentary from Two Player Productions Hanson has been evangelizing for years and it really is fantastic. As fellow connoisseurs of documentaries, what separates that great from the average?


Hey MinnMaxmas-ers, just a straightforward question for this holiday season: what was your most memorable Christmas (good, bad, or ugly)?

Giovanni D'Amico

Hey guys - I've been meaning to write in about this for weeks, but I keep forgetting and missing the cutoff, so here goes. In the Oct. 28 episode of the MinnMax Show, during responses to a Community Question regarding whether there has been a more impactful game than GTA3 in the last 20 years, at the 1:17:16 mark, Kyle Hilliard CLEARLY (and accidentally) says the word "Fartnite." No one reacted at the time and no one has commented on it since, but this special moment deserves its shine, and I'm here to highlight it. Thank you for your service and Happy Holidays.


Hey Everyone, Crazy how Returnal won game of the year without even being nominated! Annnyway, I grew up on celery with cream cheese, it wasn't until a long time where I realized most if not all other people used peanut butter. Do you guys have any food staples that you thought to be the norm, but actually weird? Happy Holidays!

Pablo Castillo

So this weekend I finally got around to playing the board game, Just One which released in 2018. By coincidence, I also got around to playing God of War 2018 a few months back. Apples and Oranges be damned! Which of these 2018 juggernauts is the better game?


Year after year the Game Awards seems to veer further from an Awards Show and closer to an E3 style Showcase of upcoming games. This year was no exception and they didn't even have the quality game announces to back it up. It felt like 50% of the night was a video updating us on the status of some live service game, and maybe 20% was actually what I would call "celebrating 2021." As someone that thinks there are plenty of showcases throughout the year and not enough shows celebrating the year in games I'm annoyed by this trend. What's your ideal mix for the Game Awards?


Mint Maxers, In a weird year of games, It Takes Two wins game of the year. The last two times there were no clear front runners were 2014 and 2019; with Dragon Age Inquisition and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, respectively. Nowadays people regard Dragon Age as a mistake, not deserving of its win, while in contrast Sekiro is looked back on more fondly because of its win and has elevated its status. Which of these two futures do you predict It Takes Two will fall into?


Hi MinnMax, Will there a game awards show in 2033? Is it here to stay? The rank of celebrities, the sponsor deals, the almost 4 hour run time, is this officially the Oscar of video games?


Dear MinnMax, How about a fun game. On the count of three I would like all of you to predict the next Nintendo system's name.


How would you improve the game awards going forward? There is a lot I would change but one suggestion would be having the presenters be from games that released this year as a way to showcase their games further or at all. I envision it as a clip playing while they walk out of their contribution to the game like something they modeled, some highlighted sound design, a slow pan over the script they helped make. Something to show (don’t tell) that the people making these games are truly appreciated.


So...The Game Awards was Bad right? Between the length, the pace, Jeff using an anti-cyberbullying hotline to (not) talk about AVBI, the lack of awards, and the mishmash of AA-Tier at best trailers(why we actualy watch), I genuinely regret watching. In fact if you guys weren't steaming I don't think I would have. Am I missing something? Did you guys enjoy the show? If it wasn't your job would you watch next year? Sorry for being so negative, but if Jeff wants us to treat this as a Big Deal I think it should be judged as such.