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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jacob Geller, and special guest Emily Reese! It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- The best game music from 2021

- Solar Ash

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hey Ben and crew! I just wanted to thank you all for putting together Trivia Tower, one of the best things on the internet! Here's my question. If Trivia Tower was to be made into a Jackbox game, which trivia segments would you all like to see in there, and why?


We've all been there... that Arcade Fire song from their Neon Bible album comes on, and we are instantly transported to the plains of Kalimdor fighting and dying FOR THE HORDE!... oh. that's just me? What song or album is so tied to a video game, that you can't listen to it without seeing the game in your mind?


What’s one video game composer you wish you could talk to, but have never had the chance to?


Hi MinnMax, What is a song from a game that has made the trek across playlists and audio devices for you? My example would be The Trail from the Witcher 3 soundtrack. I have it on multiple playlists, multiple versions, and anything that plays music at me must have this song because I have never tired of it. Happy month of Holidays to the crew!


Hey MinnMax, With the internet focused in on Halo Infinites battle pass, I was wondering what the last battle pass or season pass the panel had purchased? Does it ever feel good to purchase and play through one of these passes? I play through Destiny's season pass, but I'm really there for the seasonal story beats. Cheers


Is there something wrong with me? I find myself getting excited about updated versions and re-releases of my favorite games and end up pulling out my old consoles to play the original versions. I couldn’t get comfortable playing Mario 64 with the switch, so I took out my N64. When I saw all the hate for GTA Collection, I took out my PS2. Have you ever done this yourself, where one version of a game upset you to play another?


What is a game series you have a soft spot for but have never actually played?

Leafeonn (Josh K)

WHATS UP MIXMANNS Long time caller, first time listener, here. Recently with Skyrim's rerelease, it had made me think about my favorite intros of all time. What is your favorite intro to a game? For me, playing through Uncharted 2 for the first time was just jaw dropping the entire way through, and that intro on the train just sucks you in immediately and lets you know what kind of a ride you're in for.


Hey, long time listener, new subscriber here. I have a question that I think is a fun conversation starter: what is the first e-Mail you ever sent? What year was it, who were you e-Mailing and what was it about? Personally, my family got their first PC in 1996 and I had just seen a first look article of the original Pokémon games in Nintendo Power. The article specified that there were no current release plans for Pokémon in the US. I was so taken by the idea of the game that I asked my dad to help me write an e-Mail to Nintendo, pleading my case for why the games should be released here. I even made specific points about how they would likely sell more link cables so that kids could trade Pokémon with each other. In hindsight, Nintendo were clearly priming the pump for a worldwide Pokémon release the following year, but 12 year old me was oblivious and wanted to make sure that Pokémon came to the US. Nintendo responded with a friendly, but generic customer service response.


Hey Cohorts There was a recent story written over at Kotaku about how bots have begun to negatively impact the in-game economy for Amazon's New World. I'm curious how you all feel about the use of bots in video games. I understand it creates an easier transition for some players into multiplayer games like Halo and Fortnite, but without the option to turn them off, I also feel like it can bring the experience of a game down sometimes. What are your thoughts?


What is the best knock knock joke?