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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Sarah Podzorski, and returning guests O'Dell Harmon Jr and Nikole Zivalich. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- 2021's most underrated games

- Epic buying Harmonix

- Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

- Ruined King: A League of Legends Story

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!




Giovanni D'Amico

Hey guys - if I think of real-world career paths and their video game counterparts, it's almost always going to be more exciting to play the fantastical and exaggerated video game version. Think: Phoenix Wright, Crazy Taxi, Stardew Valley, Paperboy, Wrecking Crew, the Tycoon games - the list goes on. What's a profession that's more exciting in real life than when it is represented in games?


Hiya MinnMaxxers, Longtime/first-time. I would like to know: which videogame characters do you think host the best Thanksgiving get-togethers? I'm not just talking food; I mean happy vibes, pretty themed décor, good hooch, the whole shebang. I happen to think that Tifa hosts a mean Turkey Day; she finds delicious foods, cooks up a storm, and serves some fantastic holiday cocktails. But I gotta know who you think hosts the best Thanksgiving. Love what you folks do, and I'm so glad this community exists. Have a wonderful holiday, gang!!


Happy Holidays! Do you feel like you enjoy the holiday season more in cold and/or snowy weather, or does it make no difference? For what it's worth, I like the coziness of the cold and a dusting of snow.


Did you ever fall asleep in the movie theater? It's happened to me three times.


What's some real life jank?


Hey CLCS and Guests After last weeks robot question I think it’s time for you guys to answer the question of: What is the meaning of life?? Thanks


Ho, ho, ho, Cohorts! It’s about time to set up the Christmas tree. Run me through your tree strats! Do you prefer multicolored lights or all white lights on trees? What’s your favorite ornament you have? Do you use artificial trees or real ones? Have a great Thanksgiving!


Hey MinnMax! I found growing up the gift for a gamer would actually be a game. When I think of gaming gifts today, I personally find myself getting excited about giving something that makes homage and or references to my friends favorite game. What are some memorable gifts you have received or given? What's your favorite holiday snack? Does your family have any game traditions during the holidays? Happy Thanksgiving! - Ari

Sean Mason

Hey CLCs, Happy Thanksgiving! Over the last few weeks of school various teachers have reported items missing from their classroom. These items range from coffee mugs to classroom decorations. At first, people thought they misplaced their items, but with more and more reports filing in, it appears that we have a thief amongst the students. Unfortunately, on Wednesday I fell victim to this thief. My Roxas statue that is proudly displayed on my desk was the swiped during second period (my prep). The thief had to go to great lengths to find it as I place all my items away before I leave my room. This is one of my favorite things displayed in my classroom….. now it’s personal. A few of us teachers have decided to form a “special task force” to catch this person. I am determined to get my statue back! So my question: What is an important/meaningful item that has been stolen from you and did you ever get it back? If so, how? Best, Sean M.


I watched this kinda good 3 part documentary about the meteoric rise and fall of clothing brand Von Dutch on Hulu this week. It got me wondering if any of the crew got into any embarrassing fashion fads over the years? Also since this is a horse girl podcast did Ed Hardy just straight up steal Lisa Frank’s entire aesthetic?


So, y'all gonna talk about last week's Activision news? Or nah? And yeah, I probably sound flippant about this, but I was really disappointed not to hear anything about it last week. Maybe you think it's too difficult of a subject, or maybe it's triggering for somebody, but this is probably the most important games news story of the year? It feels disingenuous to be about "getting better" when you aren't covering things like this, so they aren't getting better for the people working in those conditions.


I miss the Xbox 360/PS3 generation of gaming the most by far. Microtransactions were on the horizon, but not ubiquitous like now. The size of games and the number of systems they contained were reasonable, and meaning that dev time even on massive games were 2-3 years generally (we got the entire Mass Effect trilogy in one generation!). Also, the pacing of games releases felt better so you could actually play most of the big games that came out, and "backlogs" barely existed. So, esteemed panel members and Leo, what generation of gaming do you miss the most and why?