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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Leo Vader, Janet Garcia, and Sarah Podzorski. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

We'll be talking about the "future of gaming" on this week's podcast, so we'd love to have your prediction for what gaming will be like 50, 100, and 200 years from now as a comment to read.

Heads up! Due to an embargo, we won't be posting the episode on Wednesday for $5 supporters. You'll still get it early on Thursday morning, and Backstage Pass supporters will then get the link to our live recording as well. Sorry for the hassle, everybody!

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- The Future of Gaming

- Inscryption

- Forza Horizon 5

- Riders Republic

- House of Ashes

You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





In 50 years, I think we’ll see a return to physical media on a industry wide scale, even to the point where companies like Nintendo and Microsoft have branched out using new tech to create new, physical, interactive experiences. Whatever the equivalent of “toys” is in fifty years, I think that while of course they’ll be developing for the microchip consoles we have in our heads, they’ll be working on tangible fun experiences for us to have as well. Also vr will absolutely be the normal, and the tech from Sword Art Online will be widely available


Hello Hello MinnMax crew! What’re the best features of past consoles you wish were included in current gen consoles?


With the news about Concerned Ape’s new chocolatier game, it’s got me thinking about other profession games. There are plenty of farming games of course, but what other profession would make the best sim game? Barber? Jeweler? Molecular biologist?!


Hi All If you could play any game from the start and the money you make in the first 10 hours you get in real lie what game would you pick?


You need a life saving operation, but your insurance will only cover video game characters that have "Doctor" in their names. Which video game doctor are you calling to save your life?


Hello MinnMax Crew! What is your favorite cuisine of the season? I just ate stew for three meals in a row and would love some of your favorite food ideas.


Hi guys! When the Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl remakes were first announced, they did not leave a very good first impression on me. However, after seeing some of the recent marketing for the game, now I have been unreasonably excited to pick it up, even trying to use sword and shield to get a battle-ready Sinnoh team going. Are there any other games you can recall that had a mediocre first reveal, but did enough work to turn you around on it before the game's release? (Did you feel that way about this remake in particular?) Thanks for making the greatest podcast on the internet!

Thom Blackburn

Howdy MinnMax, With Forza Horizon 5 coming out soon I can't help but wish that I was able to drive my own car in the game. For some reason, one of the Gran Turismo games included a Chevy Lumina in their car list and it was a hoot to see that shit-heap handle just like it used to. So, should racing games include more crappy cars? Thanks, Thom


Hi All! Knowing that you all have to sample a lot of games per year, how many games do you think you typically have time to roll credits on in a year. Or if it's a more interesting discussion, roughly what is the most games you've completed in a year? My fiancé and I play a lot of games together, as well as ones I play on the side, so I'm up over 50 for the year!


What is the most enlightening/memorable article that has come out of the Games Journalism space? Something that made you go "what???? No way" or other exclamations.