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Every Monday at noon Central, we stream our exclusive Q&A for $20 supporters (the MinnMax Council) on Patreon and they can ask us anything under the sun. Then we share the audio version of that stream with you all!

If you want to join the MinnMax Council and even call-in to the show on the last Sunday of every month, you can support us at the $20 tier even if only for one month.


Max Jahner

Not sure how notifications work on here or if this'll even be seen on an old post, but uh... Yeah. News is heckin' weird. I've worked in local television news since 2006 at a couple of different stations. I have uh... I saw people practically cheering because we were the only station to get footage of the coroner wrapping up a *disembodied head in a tarp* after a local resident beheaded his wife and then crashed his car into oncoming traffic to kill himself. And that was, like... In my first few months. Tragedies get awards. Disasters get lots of advertising dollars. It's... It's a bizarre business. I think a lot of people in journalism do it for positive reasons, but uh... It's objectively weird.


Ben, can you please mute your mic when you take a drink? Hearing you swallow is distressing.