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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Leo Vader, Jeff Marchiafava, and special guest Haley MacLean. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- The game release calendar for 2021

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!




Stephen Woodson

Howdy MinnMix & welcome Haley! Simple question: how do you define a comedic bit? Please ruin all comedy and define it for us. If you Google comedy bit, the top results is a thinkpiece from 2014, we can do better than that! Never stop sniping.


Hey Benn and Friends, What's your most humbling gaming experience? I remember finally beating Shao Khan in Mortal Kombat thinking I was the best on the block only to go online and get smoked in my first match.

Zane Dukes

I'm gonna come out and say it: Mass Effect 3 was amazing and the ending was even better than I remembered. After legendary editions release, how do you feel about Mass Effect and the ending?


Hey MinnMax crew! What is (generally) the best setting for games: The past, the present, or the future?


Howdy cohorts and the legendary Haley! 1st - is Haley a lawyer yet? 2nd - what is the best video game peripheral you ever owned? Its easy to knock the 3rd party MadKatz controllers of yore, but have you had one you absolutely adored? Or an accessory that you just couldn't game without? For me personally, I absolutely adored GBA's eReader attachment. The gimmick of swiping in the cards felt like something never done in gaming before and unlocking classic NES games or new levels to modern games was such a novel concept. And what's more - I honestly still dont understand how it works. Might as well be magic. But what's yours? Thanks Knuck if you buck Bob Buel


Minnmax, I’ve never played Final Fantasy V, but I love the other SNES Final Fantasies. I often wonder if I were to play V, would I like it as much as IV or VI, or if my love for those titles is too influenced by nostalgia. Do you ever get the feeling there’s a retro title you’ve never touched that could end up a personal favorite, or do you think nostalgia plays too much of a factor when it comes to appreciating retro games?

Leo’s Immersion

Hey MinnMaxxers! During the deepest dive on Dead Space I found I had previously purchased some gear from the DLC (or dolce, as I so doucheingly like to call it). I was speaking with one of our fine MinnMax compatreons about my struggle to decide whether or not to use the gear, and I was surprised to discover our compatreon did not know the DLC gear has tangible benefits beyond new skins! Did anyone else not know this, and do any of you struggle with the same quandary when gaming? As Shakespeare would put it, to use, or not to use, that sweet douchey dolce, is the question.


I saw Haley is in tech law. What are her thoughts on governing bodies/lawmakers being decades behind when it comes to tech? Will the average person ever be protected from their data being used and sold, or similar issues? (I guess this may be a largely US issue.)


Hi, In the way that arguments tend to start, my wife and I got into a rather exciting debate about the impact of certain fantasy works. I thought it would be interesting to pose the question to a wider audience. Question, in the last decade which do you think has had a larger cultural impact, Lord of the Rings, or Skyrim? Thanks, Just John


Hello MinnMax crew! In preparation for Metroid Dread's release later this year I recently played through each of the 2-D Metroid games (Zero Mission, Samus Returns, Super and Fusion) for the first time ever and in chronological order. And while I'm never going to be good enough to speed run the games I had a blast playing through them all. Each of them were challenging but the one thing that led to my death more than anything else was getting used to the controls from one game to the next. I can't tell you how many times I got in a sticky situation in Samus Returns from taking damage after I jumped with the B button when I meant to shoot (which is the B button in Zero Mission). And you can't remap the controls! My question(s) for you: 1. Do you have any horror stories that you've experienced that were caused by lousy controls or difficulty getting used to a game's controls? 2. Should the ability to remap commands to whatever you button you want just be a universal standard already? P.S. The default B button in Super Metroid causes the player to Dash/Run which caused some frustrations when I played that game before I realized (and I'm embarrassed how long it took for me to learn) that you can remap the controls in Super Metroid though swapping weapons is not as fluid as in the other games.