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It's time to submit your comment on the first half of Dead Space for The Deepest Dive! The first discussion covers everything up through the completion of Chapter 6, please don't spoil anything beyond that for newcomers.

Submit a comment below and please get specific. Don't write a long review, please keep your one comment to around the length of a tweet. We want to get to as many comments as possible. Let's get specific, submit a comment about the scariest moment, your favorite weapon, some specific piece of sound design, anything specific. The more specific you are, the higher the odds of us reading your comment during the discussion. We'll finish collecting comments on Tuesday morning.

We'll be covering the second half of Dead Space next week and collecting comments on August 2nd.

For The Deepest Dive on Dead Space, Ben Hanson will be joined by MinnMax's Kyle Hilliard, Kate Sanchez from ButWhyTho, YouTube essay extraordinaire Jacob Geller, and former Visceral producer Zach Mumbach.

You can unlock the podcast version of the first discussion by supporting MinnMax at the $5 tier, or you can watch the YouTube version here - https://youtu.be/hDpNBd9mfO0

You can jump in the chat and watch us record The Deepest Dive live on Tuesday evening if you're at the $10 Backstage Pass tier on Patreon. The link will be in the Backstage Pass tier on the Discord. Thanks for your support.



I know cutting off limbs is a core mechanic to this game, but jesus christ they are heavy handed in telling the player - "cut off their limbs" written on the wall in blood, two dismemberment menu tutorials, one crew audio log, AND hammond telling Isaac again. A little much


My two favorite writings on the walls so far: 1: "Save us" written 6 times in a row, and then a larger "Save ME" 2: "We are so FUCKED" and then in a different font right next to it "Hey its okay to be fucked"


I have never been to space but those zero g parts, that ambiance feels on point

Leo’s Immersion

One of my favorite things about this game are the movement schemes. Isaac’s steps have weight to them and he is not necessarily fast, but he’s not lumbering around uncomfortably or “tanky”, for lack of a better term. He’s slower than the enemies, but the enemies themselves have odd movement patterns and don’t always rush you, so evasion is still a viable tactic as long as you’re, well, tactical. I like that sprinting, reloading, etc. aren’t just given, they take a small amount of thought to pull off. Does anyone else think that controls in games are sometimes too streamlined, and would like to see more games take an approach requiring a greater learning curve for some of the simpler tasks?


At the end of chapter six, post-butthole boss-fight (It even shoots zero-g poops at you, COME ON), I find myself intrigued by Sgt Zach Hammond’s character arc so far. At first he seems like a bit of a suspicious jerk, but then he butters you up by being vulnerable in front of the pumpkins, and now he’s missing! I know Kendra doesn’t trust him, but I think we should all collectively give him the benefit of the doubt with zero reservations.


Am I missing something with those snot creatures that bust out of the fat necromorphs? There’s always 20 of them, they aren’t super easy to kill and they absolutely destroy my health.


Early in the game you have to find Matthhius to get some codes and after some digging Kendra informs you he is dead. To which Hammond responds "What?, How?".... as if you hadn't answered a distress call only to immediately discover hoards of monsters and corpses all over the Ishimura. I don't think Hammond is qualified to be leading security.


This game repeatedly has survivors die immediately after seeing them and I find that the repetition of the device is increasingly unimpactful. Guy getting killed by a necromorph right after picking up the plasma cutter, lady who gives you kinesis, guy getting killed by baby necromorph, guy banging head against wall, and the nurse operating on patient. And that's just through chapter 2. Am I being too cynical? Also, I'd like to see the remake add a crew roster/terminal (similar to Prey), so we can really connect the audio logs to the bodies we find throughout the ship


Dead Space is the scariest game I've played. My head is constantly on a swivel. Checking every corner, slowly walking down long hallways and second guessing every body on the floor. You might open a door and look down at a head or limb that rolls out of view, just to look up while a necromorph is charging at you and another necromorph's pointy arms are coming into view behind you. Its unrelenting.


Not sure if anyone pointed this out but the opening half of Dead Space has a lot of similarities to the first half or Bioshock. Crash landing into a isolated location. The voiceless protagonist. Blood writing on the walls. The mad scientist. The Kinesis and Stasis acting like Plasmids. The same travel from level to level. Just something I noticed. Can't wait to hear this deep dive!


The mechanic of shooting limbs to kill necromorphs has me constantly fighting against my muscle memory of headshot= quick kill that I've gained from years of playing resident evil, The Last of Us, any shooter known to man. I even had that moment of "What the?! oh yeah, shoot the limbs" after I sliced an enemy in half at the waist with the line cutter and it crawled after me. It's a unique way to treat the enemy encounters, and a bit refreshing as opposed to other horror shooters I've played. Also screw those asteroids


The asteroid-shooting segment is by far the hardest part of the game so far. I’m playing for the first time on medium difficulty and I hadn’t died at all up until that point, but that segment took 5 tries to get through. The shooting overall feels pretty clunky but that was the only time it really got frustrating for me.