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Programming note: We're delaying this week's podcast until after our reaction stream for EA Play on Thursday. After that, we're recording the commentary track for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers on Thursday at 6:30pm Central and you can watch us live at the Backstage Pass and correct our Tolkien knowledge. Then we're sliding MinnMax Plays on Thursday to Friday afternoon instead so we can reveal MinnMax's studio with an in-person stream with Suriel Vazquez!

This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Leo Vader, and Janet Garcia. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- EA Play 2021

- Death's Door

- Cris Tales

- Roblox Survivor

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hey Crew, I've been looking forward to trying Cris Tales on Gamepass since I pre-installed it months ahead. What are your thoughts on it so far? Seeing as it's day 1 on Gamepass, are any of you playing it anywhere else?


Considering Cris Tales is out this week and has a very difficult (to me) opening, made all the more difficult if you attempt to grind it. What are the groups thoughts in RPGs about Leveling? Do you grind until the rest of the game you feel like a true Warrior hero? Do you avoid Field Monsters in an attempt to stay under leveled and have more difficulty to the game? (Seriously, people did this for DQ11) What are some of your thoughts? Thanks and as always you all are awesome.


Hey hey folks! I’m current playing Immortals Fenyx Rising and one thing I’m thankful for doing early was turning off all of the UI to declutter the screen. I was shocked that Ubisoft put several environmental cues in this game to make exploration inviting without making me feel overwhelmed with all the map markers. What games benefit most from turning off any UI that doesn’t exist natively in the game world?


I started playing super Metroid for the first time recently in preparation for Metroid dread in October. Ive gotta say, I don't think I would have made it this far without the help of modern conveniences like save states, rewinds, and online guides. I understand the appeal in trying to figure out where to go next all on your own, but I do wish the game gave me a little more direction than it does. I am enjoying the game despite its ambiguity. But this made me think about the time of the game's release, when there were simply fewer games to play than there are now. Had I played the game then, I may have been willing to power through it without the time saving tools I mentioned before. What games would you spend more time with today if there were fewer games to play/report on? Also. Did you know you can unequip the morph ball? (Why is this a thing?) I spent way too long trying to escape that dumb room. Please don't take my gamer card away.


Yo Benz and the other bros, My girlfriend and I are getting back into VR. I have an oculus quest 2 and it’s awesome. However, my girlfriend has only one arm. I’ve noticed that a lot of games won’t let her play because of this. What are some good VR games that can be played one handed?


Hey CLCs! Here are some more: "If real life had video game options". What would you choose for the following: 1. Auto parrying, on or off? 2. Story mode, on or off? 3. Always run, on or off? 4. Third person mode, on or off?


I hate that this got taken from you Hanson, so here you go. Can everyone please give us your best OLD-FASHIONED “sheesh.” Please decide amongst yourselves who is the best sheesher.


What's the best idea Kramer ever had in all of Seinfeld? I'm partial to the build your own pizza restaurant


Hey Cohorts, Another horrifying story has broken about a culture of abuse in the gaming industry, this time at Activision. What can we as consumers do to help combat this? I know I can "speak with my wallet" by not purchasing their products, but does the drop in the sea of my minimal purchases really affect anything? How can I respectfully make my voice known about this (and other things) being the reason I don't support a company? Thanks, Nick from Atlanta


*not a question for the show* have you thought about doing anything special for the 100th Episode of The Minnmax Show? I think its coming soon, right?


What up, y'all? I just rolled credit's on Death's Door and absolutely loved my time with it. Going to go for %100 completion because I want to get as much out of this game as I can. My question for you all is, what makes a game an "Indie Darling"? Is it the size of the team, quality of the game, popularity of the game? What are some of your "indie darlings"? Stay awesome!


Hello Ben and the N’s. I have a question for all of you. If you could go back in time and tell something game related to your younger self, what would it be? After some recent news, I think I’d tell my younger self to save an unopened copy of Mario 64 so I could sell it in 30 years for a million bucks.