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To follow up the big Deepest Dive from last year, we're creating the best, most thorough discussion about Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade's INTERmission DLC on the internet and we need your help! The panelists are Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Grant, and Best Friend Ronnie.

We're covering the full DLC in this one episode, and please don't spoil anything major from the original game.

Submit a comment below and please get specific. Don't write a long review, please keep your one comment to around the length of a tweet. We want to get to as many comments as possible. Let's get specific, submit a comment about Yuffie's best ability, your favorite line, the best Fort Condor piece, anything specific.. The more specific you are, the higher the odds of us reading your comment during the discussion. We'll finish collecting comments on Tuesday morning.

You can unlock the podcast version of the first discussion by supporting MinnMax at the $5 tier, or you can watch the YouTube version here - https://youtu.be/hDpNBd9mfO0

You can jump in the chat and watch us record The Deepest Dive live on Tuesday evening if you're at the $10 Backstage Pass tier on Patreon. The link will be in the Backstage Pass tier on the Discord. Thanks for your support.



Still super early, but I am really liking Fort Condor. I think it is amazing that they built in this great, simple MOBA in the middle of the DLC. I haven't played the original FF7 since it released on PS1, so I have no memory of the original minigame. Either way, I got hooked right away.


Fans of the original FF7 will recall the bloody trail Sephiroth left Cloud and the gang to follow up to President Shinra’s body. That scene perfectly set the mood for confronting Sephiroth for the rest of the game and left a lasting impression on me. Part 1 kind of hinted at it with the purple/blue goo leading up to the President’s office [I’m color blind, I think it’s one of those colors?], but it did not feel as unsettling. However, Yuffie and Sonon’s walk from the prototype VR Simulator to the final boss fight totally captured that same feeling of horror and dread for me. (Here is a vid of the sequence- not my capture: https://youtu.be/e3kr4TVHuQ0?t=12774). PS: We’re totally seeing a brainwashed Sonon return as a boss fight right?


A friend played in Japanese, and we found some interesting differences with the Happy Turtle. In English, it feels more like a bar, where in Japanese it’s implied to have more ‘adult’ themes. ‘Old Snapper’ is definitely a localized name since snapping turtles are native the the Americas. Lastly, the words Yuffie misunderstands in Japanese tend to be borrowed from English. (FYI, last name rhymes with cinnamon)

Dennis M.

- Just like in the original (ship to Junon and the airship) Yuffie gets motion sick. In general they totally nailed and expanded her character. - Have you guys experimented with the Photo Mode at all? I took a lot of screenshots, but the Photo Mode is not the best, especially compared to Ratchet and Clank. The camera movement is way too restricted and it doesn't change from Perfomance to Fidelity Mode when entering Photo Mode, like R&C does. - ROCHE! ROCHE! ROCHE! Dennis M. (two Ns!)


The dichotomy between Yuffie and Sonon was the biggest stand out in this entire game. I got a similar feel to the relationship between Cloud and Aerith, but this time as the goofy one. The way their relationship grows so quickly over these two chapters in incredible. Early on in Ch. 2 they reach a ladder after defeating Scarlet's bots, and Yuffie says, "How do you feel about giving me a boost?" to which Sonon replies in an unenthused tone, "Ecstatic". To see them become closer through Sonon comparing Yuffie to his sister, leading to him giving his life for as recompense was heartbreaking and so well done!


After watching the cutscene of the crew making their way to Kalm (which was a pleasant surprise), I’m starting to get the impression that there isn’t going to be any over-world traveling and that each installment will start or end with the party getting to their next destination via cutscene. What do you think if that turns out to be the case? It would help with development time.

Joe Dean

Hey CLCs, First off: ROCHE ROCHE ROCHE ROCHE! Now that that's out of the way, it took me some time to relearn the controls and then even after that figure out how best to use Yuffie (throw her weapon and then do long range magic attacks) but once I started to get the hang of it I really enjoyed Intermission. Until in chapter 2 when I came across that dang box busting training course. I must've done the Soldier training level for almost an hour until I got the perfect score. It made me really mad that Yuffie couldn't just step onto those elevated platforms to attack those 1500 boxes. Did this cause any frustration for any of you, was it easy for you, or did you just walk away because you had more important things to do. Keep up the good work, Joe Dean


I have two friends staying with me right now, and they happened to be watching for the second chapter of this dlc. They both barely play games, they and know nothing about final fantasy, but they called the final cutscenes “art” and said even though they didn’t have a clue what was going on, they were invested. It was really cool getting such a positive response from a perspective that’s so different from what I’m used to, and I think it speaks to how well done the game is.


Roche! Roche! Roche! I really enjoyed how ff7 remake build upon the combat system ff15 had going. This DLC also uses more of ff15 CS by introducing synergyzing (which is OP!) specifically the combining of abilities. what did yall think about this addition to the combat system and also how it will impact the next part/parts?


I just wanted to say thank you for all the great deepest dives. Thanks Evan1sonic


Roche! Roche! Roche! Absolutely loved the dlc and can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. Do you think we will get dlc between each episode of the Remake? Maybe a Cid or Vincent one next?


This DLC was fantastic, I adore Yuffie's fighting style - it's unique but familiar enough to hit the ground running! Do you think we'll see another character-centric DLC whilst they work on Remake Pt. 2, or do you think they'll go straight into the sequel? Where would you like to see the next instalment kick off?