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Hello MinnMax Council! There isn't a new episode of the MinnMax Council podcast today because of E3, but then I realized we could combine the best of the Council and the best of E3!

In the comments below, let us know about a hidden gem that caught your eye during E3 2021 so far. With presentations like Wholesome Direct, Day of the Devs, Guerrilla Collective, Future O fPlay, Future Games Show, and the PC Gaming Show, there's a lot to choose from. Please stay away from AAA releases, we'll talk about stuff like Forza Horizon 5 on future episodes of The MinnMax Show podcast. The last couple days have been a gatling gun of cool indie game announcements and trailers, share your favorite in the comments below and let us know why in a short blurb.

I'll be creating a bonus video/podcast where I share everybody's pick, so make it a good one! Thanks, everybody!



Songs of Conquest, framed as a spiritual successor to Heroes of Might and Magic: https://twitter.com/pcgamer/status/1404210528042504193


Inscryption. It looks like a nightmare that you wake terrified from but still cherish as a unique experience. https://youtu.be/Rl3NTzzw-2o