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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Suriel Vazquez, Leo Vader, and Elise Favis! It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

- Famicom Detective Club

- Castlevania on Netflix

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hey Ben and crew! So I was a PC gamer in my early teens but then quickly moved to XBox when I was 18 and moving out on my own. Anyway... I’ve been a console guy for the last 20 years (and an Apple guy I might add) but I recently picked up a PC and I’m wondering what gems I might’ve missed over the years. I downloaded Steam but to be honest it’s a little overwhelming feeling like there’s so much to search through. For reference, growing up I played things like Sim City, Red Alert, Star Craft, Jedi Knight. In general I like puzzle and strategy games, as well as role-playing games.


******!!!!!!OBLIGATORY CASTLEVANIA SPOILERS!!!!!!!!******* I love that an ancient manifestation of the element “death”, with a listed date of birth as “beginning of time”, an age of “immortal (since the dawn of life on Earth)”, with quotes such as “I am going to eat your soul, *** it out, and use it to smother your *** girlfriend to death” is also listed as status of “DECEASED” That was a perfect ending to such an edgy show, death not being super wise and aloof, but rather a big ol’ meanie bully potty mouth Mr. Malcolm McDowell... take a bow... *uncertain clapping* take a bow!!!! Also, Dracula who leveled a city by infesting it with demons who ate thousands of men, women, and children, and who his wife Lisa begged not to harm as her dying wish when a mob from the city killed her, then gets to end up with her at the last scene, both back on Earth, snug as bugs in rugs... no consequences, Lisa forgave him I guess? xD I feel like people happy at the ending forgot season 1, pretty damn grim!


What's the most shameful thing you've done that you're willing to admit? Did you do anything to makeup for it?


hey all! After thinking about mass effect what is your favourite trilogy in gaming? Bioshock? Metroid Prime?


Hi all! What is your Favorite Table Top Sports(?) Game. Not Board Game! I mean the sort of games like Foosball, Air Hockey, Pool, Ping Pong, I'll even accept Beer Pong. Also, and this question is very important to my heart. Elise. What kind of product does Javy use in his Hair? I must know how he gets it so handsome! (It's great having you on the show this week. I think you were one of the kindest voices at GI and am glad to see you hanging with these dudes again.)


Hello cohorts! What do you do to unwind or get your mind off work? Is there a favorite game, movie or show you indulge in or does it vary based on what’s got you stressed? I’ve been working a lot of OT recently and wonder what you all do when you need to decompress. Thanks all!


Just reposting my Q from last week cause I think I submitted it too late...on a sidenote, you should make a comment on these threads when the submissions finish :/ But aaaaanyway: Hey Ben (and the rest of the gang obv) In terms of pieces of media worming their way into our vocabulary ("It felt like I was in Groundhog Day!", "Everything is going to go all Mad Max!", "It was a real Romeo and Juliet situation"), what do you think is the single most prominent example? Tetris has become the de facto term for fitting things into a small space, The Matrix was basically shorthand for slow-motion for a while and most people knew something "going all M. Night Shyamalan" meant there was a big, weird twist at the end. Pinocchio and your nose growing while lying is a decent one too, although I feel the more recent examples are more interesting than fairytales or Shakespeare (or even older stuff like the Bible or w/ever). Although as big as greek legends, the bible etc. are, I still think more recent examples are mentioned more often anyway. So what's your pick for most used and/or what are just some more big examples that you can think of? Cheers


I mentioned to my fiancé that, even though I play many games I don't "stop and smell the roses" all that much. With Mass Effect I am due to nostalgia. She suggested it's a bell curve. I play many games and a lot of game language comes very quick to me. I don't need to stop all that often. I know what I want from my game and I go get that. How often do you stop to appreciate the game, from graphics, animations, dialogue in the back? And what makes you stop? Is it deliberate or accidental?


Hey gang! A couple episodes ago, you guys talked about little things in games that blew you away. It got me thinking about not only the times game features blew me away, but also the features of game consoles over the years. OG Xbox allowing music library playback during games, ps4 having shareplay (honestly underrated), but what weirdly amazed me as a kid was the OG ps1 having a feature that allowed you to changed the EQ on CD's. There were a handful of zany presets you could use, my favorite being "Concert" that just made everything echo wildly. What are some neat console features that you guys were amazed by?


Hey cohorts! And welcome elise! I know many of us routinely throw on a podcast while gaming, but has anyone taken it a step further and listened to an audiobook while gaming? Is that too much?


I am a new patreon subscriber! Love the show. Question for Kyle Hilliard: do you miss the Gaming Ride Home daily news podcast? I came here from there and this show is great. I like colorful socks.

Sean Mason

Hey CLC’s, This week my seventh grade students were subjected to the MCAS, a statewide standardized test that all students in Massachusetts have to take in grades 3-10. As you can probably guess it's pretty boring for the teacher proctoring the exam, as you basically sit there in silence for four hours. But, there was some humor. On the first day of the test, about three hours in, one student let out a massive loud fart breaking the silence. All of the other students burst out laughing. The kid who farted’s face was as red as a tulip. So my question: when is a time in your life where you let when rip when you shouldn’t have?   Best, Sean M.