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This week for community questions on the podcast, Ben Hanson is joined by Mary Kish, Dan Ryckert, and Mike Mahardy from the Fire Escape Cast. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- The longest running franchises of all time

- Resident Evil Village

- Assassin's Creed Valhalla

- Nintendo Game Builder Garage

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hi all, I was wondering if all the hero characters from 80s and 90s were dropped on an island hunger games style who would come out on top. For this question we are considering characters not actors so Rambo and Cobra count as two entirely different entries even though they are both Stallone. Thank you for everything you do fire escape podcast rocks and it taught me how to not escape from a fire on the first podcast.


Hello Ben & Friends! I’ve connected with Returnal in a way that I haven’t since Grand Theft Auto IV. The gameplay is so addicting, but I’m crestfallen that some gamers won’t give it a chance because of the price tag. What’s a game you love that may never be widely lauded, and why do you think people should people give it a shot?


Hello fire escapers! What are your go-to gaming snacks? Something that wont make a mess and wont gunk up my controllers. I gots ta know.


The amount of abuse that Ethan’s hands go through... at some point it becomes almost CONSPICUOUS. If he were to get rescued, but he had his hands in his pocket, they may even comment how it was a miracle how unscathed he was, until they saw the gnarled, twisted, stumps dangling from his wrists. As I play, at any given point, I’m constantly looking for threats to his hands. Has any video game character’s hands suffered more than his?


Hello Minn to the Maxers, When you were younger, how did you divide gaming time among siblings? For me and my brother we had our alternating days to play. If for some reason we could not play at all on our day to play, then we would switch them to be fair and not give either one of us 3 or more consecutive days of exclusive gaming time. Additionally, sometimes we'd agree to play multiplayer all day and give the person the next day to play as well. This went on until we were probably about 14 and 17 years old respectively and we just organically got more respectful of each other's time. We've lived separately now for almost four years but still game all the time from across the world Love From Kyiv, Jason Wojnar


Hi CLC's! Resident Evil 7 hid the roman numeral in the eVII. Resident Evil 8 hid it in the VILLage. I think its fair to assume Resident Evil 9 will follow the same convention. My question to you is, how do you think they will fit the IX into the title, what subtitle will the game have containing IX?


Hey Minnmax Crew, Since you brought up long running series, I’ve put together a little trivia game with some random facts about these old franchises. I included multiple choice but if it works better to have everyone shout out the answers (except for the last one) then that’s great! Love the show, Tanner Methven What is the first video game to get a cereal? A. Pac-Man B. Donkey Kong (correct) C. Asteroids D. Space Invaders When adapted to a cartoon, which title character was paired with a motorcycle riding greaser named Bones? A. Pac-Man B. Frogger C. Q-Bert D. Donkey Kong Jr (correct) It’s likely no surprise that Mario was the first video game franchise to get a happy meal tie in. What was the second? A. Pac-Man B. Donkey Kong Country C. Street Fighter D. Sonic the Hedgehog (correct) While promoting the new Mortal Kombat film, the writer, Greg Russo, confirmed that this other adaptation of a classic video game is still alive and in development at Warner Bros: A. Pac-Man B. Frogger C. Galaga D. Space Invaders (correct) Shin Megami Tensei took a while to come to the West. On what platform did it make its western debut? A. Sega Saturn B. Virtual Boy (correct, as a top-down action spinoff called Jack Bros) C. 3DO D. Sega 32x Which video game franchise had the shortest amount of time between the releases of the original game and the theatrical adaptation: A. Resident Evil B. Tomb Raider (correct, just under 5 years, the other choices took 6-7) C. Super Mario Bros D. Street Fighter


Some of the most jarring moments in New Pokemon Snap are when the Pokémon are eating each other (Pigeot and Magikarp, wingull and fineon, frillish and magikarp, etc). If you lived in the pokemon world where would you draw the line on what Pokémon you would eat? I mean, I *think* I could eat a milktank but it would be really hard to chow down on, like, an espeon.

Sean Mason

Het CLC’s, During lunch, a group of my seventh graders play the game ”would you rather?”, one question that a student asked got me thinking about what the MinnMaxx crew would say. So, would you rather sing everything you say or never be able to talk again? Best, Sean M.


Howdy, Do you have any mundane activities that you associate with a particular album/song(s)? For example, I can't look at a spreadsheet without thinking of the FFVII Remake soundtrack because that's what I listen to when filling them out at work. J-E-N-O-V-A? More like E-X-C-E-L