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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Janet Garcia, Leo Vader, and Sarah Podzorski. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Resident Evil Village

- More Returnal

- New Pokemon Snap

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hi Ben, Janet, Leo, and Sarah! Have you ever discussed the pets of MinnMax? I gotta know about the lovable furballs, scaled buds, and feathered cuties in your lives. If you don’t have a pet currently, maybe name a fav from the past. Thanks as always!


Hey gang, what would be your choice for a video game to get the Snyder Cut treatment? Basically a redone version of a game to better the experience, potentially in a way that completely transforms it into something new. It can either be a game known for its troubled development history or corporate meddling, a game you think would work well with dlc and cut content stitched into the campaign, or simply a game from a director you like that you think could use more of their style. I think the closest thing we’ve had to something like this is the final mix versions of Kingdom Hearts titles. Take care, Cohorts


Hey yall, What is your favourite place youve been which you will probsbly never visit again? It can be a place, a country or whatever.Mine is probably the inside of the pyramides in Egypt! Anyhoot love the show, goodbyeeeee!!!

Sean Mason

Hey CLC’s Have you ever stopped to think how unusual your life is? Making a good living from working in the games industry for so long and being so successful is very rare as you know. From the outside it seems like a dream job although I have no doubt it's a lot of hard work... probably even stress inducing sometimes. Best, Sean M.


Felicitations cohorts! With all of the well-deserved excitement over Pokémon Snap this weekend I was wondering what you guys would think would be another game universe that would be interesting to play in this genre? Maybe Horizon Zero Dawn to learn more about these misunderstood robot dinosaurs? Or perhaps Metal Gear Solid 3 with all of the edible flora and fauna in that game? Can you imagine taking a 4-Star sunset picture of a reticulated python curled up all cozy with Snake snapping a soldiers neck in the background? Priceless. A quick P.S. for Ben. Forgive me if you have said so before but what does Yozetty mean? Is it a sleeper agent codename? Stage name? Did the FBI give you that title and make you grow a beard to be in the Witness Protection program? What did you do? Thanks!


Hey Ben (and the rest of the gang obv) In terms of pieces of media worming their way into our vocabulary ("It felt like I was in Groundhog Day!", "Everything is going to go all Mad Max!", "It was a real Romeo and Juliet situation"), what do you think is the single most prominent example? Tetris has become the de facto term for fitting things into a small space, The Matrix was basically shorthand for slow-motion for a while and most people knew something "going all M. Night Shyamalan" meant there was a big, weird twist at the end. Pinocchio and your nose growing while lying is a decent one too, although I feel the more recent examples are more interesting than fairytales or Shakespeare (or even older stuff like the Bible or w/ever). Although as big as greek legends, the bible etc. are, I still think more recent examples are mentioned more often anyway. So what's your pick for most used and/or what are just some more big examples that you can think of? Cheers


Hey crew! It’s not hard to argue that remakes of classic games have become a staple of the industry. With that in mind, I’ve been thinking lately about the value we place on nostalgia vs novelty. My question is this: is there a nostalgia-rich gaming experience from your past that you’d willingly sacrifice in favor of an alternate history where that game is being made for the first time today? This may be blasphemous to say about one of my favorites, but personally I’d have no issue giving up all of my memories of Ocarina of Time in exchange for it existing as a modern fantasy epic with the polish of today’s AAA open world games.


Hi y'all I've been playing Returnal and for the first eight hours I couldn't get pass the first boss. After that something clicked and one-shot three bosses. But now I am scared that that I am going too fast and the game will be over before I know it. This is probably the best game I've ever played and want to keep the fun going. Do you ever get this feeling? What are some things you do to keep playing the game? Go for platinum, take a shot at the leader boards?


Hey CLCs, What are the best books on video games that you've ever read? When you all had Jason Schreier on the show a few weeks ago, I went to pick up his book on Amazon and ended up going down a rabbit trail looking for other intriguing books on game development, history, criticism, etc. Got any recommendations?


Hi Ben and crew! What’s up with these horse mechanics?! I’m a big fan of open world games and have really enjoyed seeing the formula evolve since the PS2 days. Having played most of the big open world releases through the years I have come to realise that the games that I enjoy the most are those that have some kind of interactive traversal mechanics. In GTA and similiar vehicle driven games the player is always engaged. You avoid traffic, drift around corners etc. The same goes for games like Spider-Man, Just Cause and Death Stranding where the player has to actively partake in open world traversal. However, in games like AC Odyssey and Ghost of Tsushima where you ride horses you just steer a direction and that’s where the horse is going. It’s a glorified run faster button and feels like such a missed opportunity in making the player engage in the open world. Red Dead actively makes you press a button while riding which certainly makes it more interactive but I’m not sure that makes it more fun. What is it with these horse mechanics and has any game got it right? Or what do you think would be fun horse mechanics?