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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Leo Vader, Jeff Marchiafava, and Suriel Vazquez. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Our favorite PS3 exclusives

- Our favorite PSP and Vita games

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Helloooooo MinnMax. I was wondering what is the strangest way that you have ever acquired a video game? As a kid, I once one a copy of the EA classic FreakStyle from a Gatorade lid. Then as a teen, I won a copy of Duke Nuke Em Forever at a poker tournament. Do any of you have any stories of acquiring games in an unusual method?


Hi JeffM, Suriel, Leo and Ben Hanson. I was thinking about how focused PS3-era Sony was on multiplayer. Almost every big Sony franchise at the time included a multiplayer mode, or entire game focused on multiplayer. Let's list them off. We're talking Resistance, Killlzone, Uncharted, Little Big Planet, Ratchet & Clank, God of War, The Last of Us, Starhawk, Warhawk, SOCOM, MAG, Gran Turismo, Motorstorm, Twisted Metal, Mod Nation Races, RIDDDGEEE RACEERRR....and even smaller titles like Fat Princess and Journey. My question is, what was your favorite PS3-era Sony multiplayer experience? I personally loved Uncharted 2's multiplayer, and the Resistance 2 co-op mode. Also, I loved the Arkham Asylum Deepest Dive. I didn't get to play along with you, but the conversation was so good that I have played through mostly the whole game since finishing it.


Hey Minnmax, I sold my PSP to gamestop around 10 years ago to get an ipod touch. I kind of regret that right now because it would've been nice to play those games again. But hey, I was a dumb kid who wanted to play Angry Birds. What is your opinion on selling old consoles? Do you plan on getting rid of your older gen stuff, specifically this most recent gen?


Hello, cohorts! I’d like to play a game. It’s very simple and I call it: Video Game Character or Drag Queen? I’ve included a list of names (hopefully not too obscure) and I’d like you all to guess if the name belongs to a female video game character or a drag queen (Note: all drag queen names used are contestants from seasons of Rupaul’s Drag Race). Alright here we go! Miss Fortune - League of Legends Nina Williams - Tekken Kim Chi - Drag Queen Nina West - Drag Queen Para-Medic: Metal Gear Solid 3 Rock M. Sakura - Drag Queen Wendy Oldbag - Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Amy Rose - Sonic franchise Crystal Methyd - Drag Queen Olga Gurlukovich - Metal Gear Solid 2


Hi crew, Stadia recently announced RE Village was available for preorder on their platform and with the "success" Stadia saw with Cyberpunk initially at launch I was wondering if any of the team was looking to try it out this way. Personally I do not yet have a next gen console and I think this would be a great way to try out this game and get a free chromecast and controller in the process. I so far have enjoyed using Amazon's Luna so far as well. Any other thoughts on streaming platforms?


My favorite games on psp and vita were the patapon games and metal gear acid does anyone on the panel have any experience with these gems?


Hey there cohorts! As someone who grew up on Nintendo and Sony (no Xbox or PC), the PS3 was the first system I could download demos and trailers to. This was such a different experience from, say, buying a magazine to get a demo disc or getting a VHS in the mail from Nintendo Power with a Banjo-Kazooie trailer. All of this talk about the PS3 reminds me that I still have the announcement trailer for Final Fantasy XIII still saved on my system. I remember how hyped I was for the game, being a long-time FF fan, but even then, this trailer felt over-the-top. To this day I still quote FF XIII as being "the most highly anticipated video game of all time". Having this trailer on my PS3 fills a silly yet sentimental spot in my heart, and I can't bring myself to delete it. My question is: do any of you have any beloved media saved to your PS3s outside of complete games? I'm thinking demos, trailers, soundtracks, screenshots, anything of that sort that means something to you.


Hello MinnMax Crew, The PSP holds a special place in my heart. I spent my very first paycheck at 15 years old weed eating a golf course to buy the playstation portable. Any fond memories spending your own money on gaming related items as a kid rather than waiting for Christmas and birthdays? I paid for my xbox 360 stripping tobacco plants all fall. Keep up the great work cohorts! Thanks for all you do.


Hey Real Ass Gamer Boys™️! What do you think the next *big* sub-genre trend in gaming will be? There was a surge of powers-focused FPS games after Bioshock, a plethora of cinematic-driven 3rd person action games after Uncharted, battle royales have started to teeter off, and for better or worse, we’re kind of still in the looter-shooter surge. What’s next? (or even better, what would you like to see?)


Hey CLCs, To kill time during this pandemic, I've put together a few jigsaw puzzles. Occasionally, there will be two pieces already correctly put together, either from someone doing the puzzle previously, or it just never got correctly separated at the factory. What is the right thing to do in this situation? Is it cheating to leave them put together? Or should I take them apart and mix them in with the rest of the pieces? I'm losing sleep; please help!


I was in a zoom class and my teacher was showing us a slide presentation accompanying a piece of music from a Ukrainian composer and two of the photos in the slide presentation were from Dark Souls. Specifically at a campfire. The piece of music was based on a Lithuanian fairy tale (Grazhina it is called, or Гражина) so it kind of fit thematically. Can you tell sometimes when school or university crossed over with video games in weird ways. My teacher is a 60 year old or so Ukrainian woman, so I don't think she was a fan of FromSoftware.


Hey cohorts! How do y'all respond to being under pressure? You know how people say "diamonds are formed under pressure" and all that and some people say "I do my best work" under pressure but then you have people like me with 5 minutes left to submit questions who think of stuff like this? (phew)