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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Leo Vader, Jeff Marchiafava, and Suriel Vazquez. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Olija

- Guilty Gear Strive

- Overwatch 2

- Diablo 4

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hey folks, so I rarely go into any fiction media (movies, tv shows, even books) without reading plot summaries somewhere or (my guilty pleasure) Cinema Sins-style explainer videos. In the Before Times I would even go so far as to read the wikipedia page on the way to the theater. I don't care about spoilers at all and personally find it helps me pay more attention to smaller details in films and stuff if I already know the story. I am comfortable with feeling like it's a perfectly fine way to go about consuming stuff, but am also fully aware it is probably Media Crime. My Q is, do you folks have any Media Crimes, and what are they?


Hey y'all, I know this show usually keeps it pretty game-positive, but there's been something on my mind for years that I can't seem to escape. Who actually plays Oddworld? Why does Sony care so much about it? Does Lorne Lanning have dirt on Jim Ryan??? And one more thing... Does anyone actually like MediEvil? They did a terrific job remaking the original for the PS4, but the unfortunate thing is that it is bad. I know that I can't be alone in my thoughts. So my question is, what game, franchise, etc. do you simply just not get? There's one thing for a game to not be for you, but which do you flat out just not understand the admiration or fandom for? This is a safe space, I need some spicy hot takes. Catch you on the flipside fellas


Good day everyone! Do you guys wash your dishes before putting them in a dishwasher? I am of the opinion that it's the dishwashers job to remove food from dishes, however I am scolded by my partner if she sees so much as a grain of rice go in there. Help!


I had an idea for a one year Moratorium on new game releases every 10 years. I think it would be great to help people catch up on their backlogs and let us all appreciate the medium a little more instead of just getting caught up in a cycle of new releases. Of course, we would subsidize all the developers and other parts of the industry that rely on games coming out. Would you be down for this?


Hello brochachos. I can not stop playing Hades. I have rolled the true credits of the game, and while obviously there’s still plenty to unlock beyond that, there’s also no denying that I’m doing the same stuff over and over again. Despite this, I can’t put the game down. I’m afraid that my backlog, like Zagreus, is doomed to remain in the underworld forever. My question is this: have you ever been hooked on a game like this? If so, what did it finally take to break the cycle?


What is the MinnMax outlook on Beyond Good and Evil 2? Ubisoft promised to show gameplay this year, is there any excitement among the crew for what that game will look like? Thanks and keep up the good work


Howdy Cohorts, There is a bit of a stigma on talking about romantic options in video games. I myself feel odd about it at times, but thinking about it I remember how normal this is in TV and film. Think Twilight, Gilmore Girls, Harry Potter... Little Women? Anyways here are some games with notable love triangles or romantic options. Who in these groups are your favorites? - Mass Effect: Liara, Tali, Garrus - FFVII: Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie - Persona 5: Ann, Makoto, Kasumi - Witcher 3: Yennifer, Triss, Kiera - Catherine: Katherine, Catherine, Qatherine - Uncharted: Chloe, Elena, Sully - Stardew Valley: Leah, Abigail, Penny


Hey Ben and friends Diablo 2 Resurrected being announced at blizzcon is genuinely one of my top gaming wishes come true. I have been playing the Diablo franchise since 1998 (I was 9yo lol) and have put hundreds of hours into all 3 games and even read a couple of the novels. D2 is one of my favorite games of all time and it was long thought that a remaster would literally be impossible, or so far removed from the original charm of the game that fans wouldn't want it. I would love to hear any insight the panel has on vicarious visions or how they think VV even got the chance to work on d2 ressurected


For me, a good boss fight has a sense of scale, challenge, and something we haven't seen yet in the game. But even the most memorable bosses can be tedious and repetitive. How do you make bosses fun?


Hey MinnMaxers, With the dawn of an Xbox event coming in tandem with the Bethesda acquisition, what is your guys' personal hope for the event in terms of software announced or console exclusivity? Starfield game only for Xbox? Morrowind remaster headed to Game Pass? What do you think? Thanks for the great show each and every week!


Hey cohorts, Jason Schreier just reported that Anthem Next has officially been cancelled, and that the developers are being moved to work on Dragon Age 4. This follows up on his earlier reporting about EA execs meeting to discuss the future of the Anthem reboot earlier this month. Seeing as this is basically closing the book on Anthem, do you guys have any reflections on the game? Your experiences playing it, your hopes after seeing that first E3 trailer, perhaps even thoughts you have on how they could have addressed any of the issues in the base game? Thanks in advance 🙂 EDIT: adding link to tweet with article in it https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1364662152318115848?s=19 And also blog post from Bioware https://blog.bioware.com/2021/02/24/anthem-update/


What game’s box art makes you want to turn the sands of time back and redo the cover? For me it’s Mario Kart Wii... It really kills me that Mario and Luigi are driving invisible karts WITH the systems hardware in their hand! I see what Nintendo was going for but like a dog its ruff. (To me at least)