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Kyle Hilliard joins us at the end of this episode of MinnMax Council to talk about his return to Valhalla, after Ben Hanson talks about planning the next Deepest Dive, playing Valheim, and much more.

Every Monday at noon Central, we stream our exclusive Q&A for $20 supporters (the MinnMax Council) on Patreon and they can ask us anything under the sun. Then we share the audio version of that stream with you all!

If you want to join the MinnMax Council and even call-in to the show on the last Sunday of every month, you can support us at the $20 tier even if only for one month. You can call in this Sunday (2/28) at 6pm Central from the Discord, we look forward to hearing from you!



Just so you know Ben, that Sly Cooper movie never did actually come out. Only a trailer years ago. The project was cancelled, I'm pretty sure.