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This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Suriel Vazquez, and Dan Ryckert. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- The Nintendo Direct (We're recording the podcast after the Direct, so no prediction questions)

- Bowser's Fury

- Valheim

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





I'm a white man dating a black woman and we've decided to prioritze black centered media for black history month and female centered media for women's history month. Unfortunately, it's slim pickin's when it comes to video games. What are your favorite games with black and/or female protagonists?


Hey everyone, this question is for Dan. Dan, have you ever forgiven Joe Juba for cold-bloodedly murdering Ric Flair in Tail of the Sun?


Do you guys tip on carry out orders?


Hello Cohorts! Please settle a heated debate that has permeated family, friends, and coworkers now at this point. Please give us the definitive ranking between cake, cookies, and pie. 1-3, all definitions included (brownie is technically cake, and meat pies are fair game) Thanks and love the show especially the new a trivia tower, my god the community is too good at this!

Joe Dean

Hey Cohorts, With all of Kingdom Hearts coming to PC my mind ran wild with the amount of crazy things modders could do with that franchise, so what's a game or series or whatever that you'd love to see come to PC and find out what modders could/would do? Do you have any mods in mind? Thanks, Joe Dean


Howdy everyone. What's your favorite tetris block?


Hey there, Ben Hanson and the Handsome Boys! What're some New Game+ experiences... in real life? Things like returning to your old school on the staff's side of the table, say - something that'll give you another go at the rodeo, albeit armed with the extra insight afforded to a NG+ experience. Thanks!

Hugo Pereira

Hey there lovely people! I was just playing Graceful Explosion Machine, one of Switch's earliest titles, and remembered how much people talked about its use of the "HD Rumble" in reviews. Yet, nowadays, you barely ever see this specific console feature mentioned anywhere when talking about new games. Have devs or journalists just stopped caring about it? but as a bigger question: In your opinion, what are some of the least memorable "unique features" of a console? Something that was hyped up and a PR talking point upon its release but quickly forgotten by the larger community afterwards


Hello cohorts and special guest dan! Well it seems we are on to the blizzard stage of the apocalypse. Whenever it snows, it always puts me in the mood to play games in snowy environments. Yesterday, i replayed part of Red Dead 2, and it scratched that itch for me a bit, but really i just wish i had a way to play the original lost planet now. Anyone else do this?


Howdy crew. A few months into the new generation of consoles, how do you feel about the price increase of games? I think it is too easy for people like us who follow the industry to say "Well games are increasingly more expensive to develop and they used to cost a bunch in the old days" without putting the impetus on publishers to find ways to lower the cost of production. $70 is a lot to ask of the average gamer, especially during a pandemic. Wouldn't it be better for the industry if more people could afford to buy more games?


Hey guys currently stuck in my first winter storm down in Houston texas. My question is a simple one what is your favorite games/ activities to play/do when your stuck inside. Ive been playing alot of yu-gi-oh legacy of the duelist ( on switch) and dragon ball fighterz ( with my brother) . Love yall big fan stay awesome.


In case you guys end up looking here for Q's post direct-Does the lack of substantial announcements in this direct make you more pessimistic or optimistic that Nintendo will have a "solid" E3 offering?