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So that we can cover the Resident Evil stream on Thursday, this week's episode of The MinnMax Show will be recorded and streamed live on YouTube for everybody on Thursday afternoon at 4:30pm Central. We're sorry that Patreon supporters won't be unlocking this week's episode early, but hopefully you enjoy the Resident Evil discussion!

This week for community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Ana Diaz, Jeff Marchiafava, and Suriel Vazquez. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

Resident Evil Village

Hitman 3

You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





I don't mean to cause an argument buuuuuut........ Why is it that some people use inverted controls? It used to be the norm, games like flight simulator made 'up' tilting back on a joystick but many games have since adopted 'Up' being up as the new normal. Are those who play inverted monsters?! Or are those who play 'Default' the brainless conformists who are the Real monsters!? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DIVIDING US? (Side note:- I played inverted as a kid and changed to default at some point so I could play games that had poor accessibility and no option to make control's inverted)


While pouring what you think is a fresh bowl of cereal, you're instead presented with a puff of smoke. Its a Cereal Genie, of course, and he's allowing you to wish any video game themed cereal into existence. What game do you choose and what is the cereal like?


Are there any games you know for a fact you wouldn't have played if it were not for the COVID pandemic? I know the extra time afforded to me from March to June let me play through Nier: Automata, Final Fantasy VIII, and another run of Skyrim for the first time since it came out.


What’s up Minn Fam, As a gamer who is getting uncomfortably close to 40, I can vividly recall the days when sometimes all you had to go on when choosing your next video game rental was the box art. What’s your best example of an awesome game that was hidden behind crappy box art? Do you remember neglecting a video game or franchise longer than you should have simply because your interest wasn’t piqued by what you found on the box? Alternatively, do you remember any terrible games that reeled you in with amazing art on the cover? Thanks in advance!


Hi CLCs, is the Nintendo Direct dead? The last main Nintendo Direct was in September 2019, and while COVID obviously disrupted release schedules last year, Nintendo seems to be coping just fine releasing new trailers whenever they're ready, rather than saving them for big blowouts. Will you miss Directs if they are in fact gone? All the best from Nottingham, Jonathan


Good day Ben and friends. I recently finished AC Valhalla (90 hours) and found myself overwhelmed by the amount of content. It became more of a slog to play and really disconnected me from the story. Similar problems were mentioned during your Game of the Year discussions and got me thinking: what elements of games could be removed without impacting the overall package? Has it become a necessity for games to include as many features and content as possible just to up the hour count?

Patrick Polk

I'm super excited for Resident Evil Village, but have you guys looked into signing up for the closed beta they're doing? The process is kind of intense! You have to sign up for two different accounts: 1) a Capcom ID (registering in a page in Japanese), and 2) a Resident Evil Ambassador account. Then at the end of the sign up you can improve your chances of getting selected for the beta by linking your Twitter account, but the permissions it requests are INSANE, including posting and deleting tweets for you, liking tweets, and following or blocking users. (See https://imgur.com/gallery/tE5HUa9). Is this normal? This seems very bad.

Kyle Silva

Hey Ben and Cohorts. Thanks Ben, for taking my suggestion to play Spinny's Journey. It reminded me of that game, Roundabout. Hope you keep enjoying it. The game made me wonder, do you have any games that were heavily inspired by another game where you prefer the the follow-up over its inspiration? Something like Roundguard Vs. Peggle, or Immortals Vs. Breath of the Wild?


Hello Ben and hosts. I was wondering what is your biggest video game/video game job mess ups. I’m looking for some good storys. For example the Contra Shattered Soldier replay story, is one I remember from old GI show talks. What good story’s do you guys have??? Evan1Sonic


It's time to play The Syno-Name Game! Your objective is to guess the popular game studio, the catch is that each studios name has been changed with the help of synonym.com Good luck! -Snow Storm (Blizzard) -Insubordinate Pup (Naughty Dog) -Stone Celebrity (Rockstar) -Feline Noggin (Lion Head) -Shinobi Philosophy (Ninja Theory) -Decade Penny (Tencent) -Computerized Crafts (Electronic Arts) -Burst Beret (PopCap) -Excellent Cage (Supercell)

Mr Pop

Hey CLCs - Any interest in general game industry 2021 predictions? I know you had a segment in a previous podcast about games you were looking forward to for the year but I’m talkin big fish “this company will choose to do this weird thing” or "Dr Muto will be in Smash Bros" type stuff. It's always fun to hear people have to re-examine their predictions at the end of a year! But hey what do I know - I'm just a salt of the earth Joe from who knows where and not some Big City Podcast type with their fancy suits, chompin on cigars and whatnot. Anyway - love the show and keep up the great work!