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This week on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Jeff Marchiafava, Ana Diaz, and Suriel Vazquez. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Immortals: Fenyx Rising
- Doom Eternal DLC
- Pokemon DLC
- Top 10 Horror Games

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





We've been going through some YouTube videos checking out best soundtracks of the decade. Just wondering what yours are?? In addition, what are one of your favorite moments involving music in a game? One of our favorites is listening to the Tarrey Town theme song build up as you help build the town in BotW.


HAPPY ONE YEAR COHORTS!!! So happy to say I’ve been watching from day one. And since it’s the one year anniversary I have a game for you. The following is a list of video games. All you have to do is say if they were in development for 1 year or less, or more than 1 year. Keep up the good work and here’s to many more years of fart jokes! Assassins Creed: Brotherhood-1 year Ride to Hell: Retribution-5 years Majora’s Mask-1 year Super Smash Bros Melee-13 months Warcraft 2-11 months Perfect Dark 2-5 years Oddworld: Abe’s Exodus-9 months GTA Vice City-9 months Uncharted: Lost Legacy-15 months Fallout 2-1 year Mega Man 7-3 months


Why aren’t there more kart racing games? Mario Kart is one of the most popular series of all time, and yet there have been very few real attempts to replicate it. The template is clearly defined — we all know what a good kart racing game looks like. But with one series dominating the genre there’s also plenty of room for innovation. So what gives? Why aren’t big, family-friendly IPs slapping together kart racers left and right? And do you guys have any suggestions for existing IPs that you’d like to see translated into the kart racing genre? My personal choice — Overwatch. It has everything a kart racer needs already: memorable characters, beautiful locations, tons of fun abilities, and a perfect art style for the genre.


Hey Minnmaxers, I just recently finished playing Kentucky Route Zero, and while there are many things I really like and admire about the game, I often found it too pondering and pretentious to be really engaging. This was especially frustrating as it it looked like a game that would be exactly my taste, and had so much GOTY buzz around it. However, upon listening to discussions about the game afterwards, I found that I actually have a new appreciation for the game when looking back at the story as a whole. I still have issues with the game, but it feels like a more valuable experience now than it did while playing. My question is this: are there any games that you struggled to enjoy at the time, but appreciated a lot more in hindsight, or after listening to discussions which placed it in a new context? All the best from the UK, Jonathan


Hey Ben and crew, What are your thoughts on that Jurassic Park animated show? I’m scared to watch it after being so disappointed by the World movies... is Jurassic Park dying a slow death here? Love what you all do!


I have a question for you all. If you could only play a single console for 2 months, which would you choose. (Of course you can still also play whatever else you need for work. This is more for your own gaming. Have fun😊) personally i would probably deep dive into the ps2

Giovanni D'Amico

Hey guys. I've really enjoyed the "credits music" discussion over the past couple of weeks, but I'm positively dismayed that nobody's mentioned the best of all time: Rogue Warrior, 2009's Bethesda-published FPS on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC, starring actor Mickey Rourke as a grizzled veteran Navy Seal who simply.. won't.. stop.. swearing. The guy's combat barks are absolutely obscene and constant, and while the marketing for this game made a huge deal out of Rourke's casting, it's ultimately the credits music - a rhyming rap created out of those barks - that SHINES. Not sure if Rourke was in on the joke, but it's hard to imagine that he was? Love you guys - thanks for a great year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs0WflggoAs (P.S. - the outrageous lyrics are in the first comment on YouTube.)


Hello Ben and his computer loving Cohorts! Congrats on your one year and a week anniversary! Growing up I was always told not to judge a book by its cover, but in 2020 all rules have seemingly gone out the window! So my question for you all is: what is the worst cover art attached to a "bad" game? What about the flip side: what is the best cover art attached to a "great" game? Thanks for answering my question and congrats to Jeff on becoming a gamer dad!


With all the PS5 unboxing videos on YouTube by some of the major media outlets, it got me thinking. They do gang buster numbers as far as views, but do they actually add any value? Do you think they spoil the experience of unboxing you own console?


Hey Gang, So, I just finished listening to the Mario 64 Deep Dive (sorry, late to the party), and I wholeheartedly agree that it is the best and most thorough discussion of the game on the internet. HOWEVER, I'd like to offer an opportunity for you to make it EVEN BETTER right here and now. On part 1 of the dive, Dan bragged about his world record for longest playthrough, but not a single person brought up the world record for the 120-star speedrun that occurred THIS YEAR! Most speedruns you see in games often take advantage of glitches to get through the game as quickly as possible, but getting all 120 stars requires so much skill, and it is arguably one of the most amazing videos to watch. A streamer, by the name of Cheese set the record at 1:38:54, and I highly encourage anyone and everyone to watch this video, it is so impressive. This happened in February, and get this, two months later, another streamer, Liamkings beat this record by 11 seconds! You guys, this all happened THIS YEAR! And you NEVER brought it up on the deepest dive. Please redeem yourselves and talk about this NOW. To provide more perspective on this feat, while the MinnMax community was playing the game, struggling with the controls, and crashing into walls, these pros were getting 1 star every 49 seconds. Love you guys, keep up the good work. Taylor Nashville, TN


I know I'm a little late here, but I'm curious where you guys stand on 3rd person vs 1st person horror games. It seems the push over the last few years has been to go for first person experiences due to VR and it being more immersive. Despite this some of my all time favorite horror games are in third person (Resident Evil, Silent 2, Evil Within 2, etc.). Do you find yourself having a preference over one or the other? Which is the more effective at delivering scares? Keep up the good work. Lucas East Lansing, MI


Quick question: Can you all say the word "bag" for me real quick? Thanks!