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Every Monday at noon Central, we stream our exclusive Q&A for $20 supporters (the MinnMax Council) on Patreon and they can ask us anything under the sun. Then we share the audio version of that stream with you all!

If you want to join the MinnMax Council and even call-in to MinnFAQs on the last Sunday of every month, you can support us at the $20 tier even if only for one month.



Holy shit! A thousand congrats to Jeff and his wife!


This is the most depressing Minnmax thing I've experienced. If you're going to overhaul betterquest the most produced version of the show I can imagine is more of a show than a podcast. Something more like a documentary following people through their month long journeys. It would take something like weekly call ins with the community then compiling this enormous amount of stuff into a cohesive video once a month with only the most interesting calls and journeys making it into the final cut. For growing your audience on youtube I think a lot of your content could be refitted into shorter videos that are more appealing to people who aren't familiar with you guys. Your biggest draw for existing fans is your personalities, but people unfamiliar with you aren't going to be drawn to your personalities through thumbnails and titles. Viewers who don't know you are going to be drawn to interesting information instead. Similar to how you pull out segments from the podcast, you could probably pull things from Deepest Dives into their own videos. It doesn't necessarily need to be the part of the videos that has the best or most interesting discussion, it's more important that it's something that can have an interesting title/thumbnail. Scummy clickbaity titles like "Why doesn't Super Mario 64 hold up?", "Mario 64 Levels Ranked", and "why is this penguin so FAT?" are much more appealing than a 2 hour video titled "Super mario 64 the deepest dive part 3" This might be a dumb suggestion, but recently I went to join Leo's patreon and I was only going to do $1 because I'm cheap, but then I saw that it's only $5 to get my name in the video so i went with that amazing value. I think all the tiers and benefits for Minnmax are very fairly priced, but I wonder if a better strategy would be to price everything so that it feels like you're getting way more than what you're paying for. On the other hand this might cause everyone to drop down a tier because they don't have to pay as much for the benefits they want, but since so many say they're supporting for the sake of supporting rather than what they get out of it, I'm not sure how much of a concern that is. Sorry for writing so much that I really don't know that much about! Especially if you feel obligated to read it like I imagine you probably do! Get Tim Turi on stuff! Thanks! Bye!


On that twitter questionnaire, I almost checked the ‘just to support you guys’ box. It was a toss up, because i obviously support y’all due to your content haha. So I’m sure the vast majority of supporters are here for your content, not just to support.. they just happen to go hand in hand. If that makes any sense. Anyways, keep it up!


I agree that shorter content is a good idea for getting new people on board. It's probably how I found GI in the first place. It's interesting that you say you're worried about the channel having too much variety. I personally consume almost everything MinnMax because you're such a fun bunch to listen to, but also I don't feel like I need to hear about video games every single day. So I'm hyped for the Every Thing Deepest Dive and enjoy the variety of the channel. However, in this community I am certainly the only person saying "less video games content!" so please take that with an entire truck of salt. You definitely have a difficult line to walk with being appealing to new people and pleasing the hardcore, sand eating fine folks in the discord.


Listened to the show today. My thought on BetterQuest, instead of a group goal, how about a monthly theme? Something like Getting better at work, at home, at food, at music, etc, then highlight community goals related to that. It also leaves room to bring on a guest who has expertise in an area. An example, have Kirk Hamilton from Triple Click/Strong Songs on to talk about learning an instrument. The community can have the option of doing a themed goal or something else. In terms of the next Deepest Dive, I may also be in the minority here, but I love this idea of a cross media dive, and am looking forward to getting back into The Thing. My comment there is the third part might be a little too broad by covering a game, a movie and a table top game. I probably won't get through a Let's Play or have time to try the table top game, but am still looking forward to hearing you guys talk about them.