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This week on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Leo Vader, Jeff Marchiafava, and Suriel Vazquez. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- The PlayStation 5 Showcase
- Spelunky 2
- Crash Bandicoot 4's Demo
- Immortals: Fenyx Rising
- Moon

Everybody at the Backstage Pass tier can watch us record the show live, with an exclusive pre and post show on Wednesday. You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hey Ben Solo and the MinnMaxium Falcon Crew! Full motion video intros aren't as common as they used to be. Which one is your favorite and can you describe what happens in them in detail? Ben can watch the FMVs for accuracy while the crew takes turns describing their favorite intro FMVs. Mine might be Soul Calibur II, but I'm not going to describe it for you! Good luck! - Jake from Illinois


Hi Friends What are some stats you'd like to know about your life after all is said done (many, many, many decades from now)? They could be video game related, but they don't have to be.


Just finished the Sid Meier's Interview (so good!) and it reminded me of a time in my life where I was playing so much Civ 5 the music and sound effects became ingrained in my brain. It got to the point where whenever something inconvenient would happen in my life the "someone built a wonder before you" bwaah sound effect would play in my head. For example, when receiving the wrong food order or when it would unexpectedly start raining. Have y'all (or any other community members) experienced anything like this?


Good Day Cohorts. My wife and I recently fell hard into The Boys (I’m getting some Watchmen Vibes Ben) and the premise seems eerily close to the upcoming Suicide Squad game. Criminals or people with questionable morals hunting down super heroes mad with power works well across both television and games. With this in mind, what television show that has not yet been made into a game, do you feel needs to be made? Bonus points for a adding a developer to your title.


Hey, Ben and crew! When Sony went quiet in May 2018, John Kodera said that they were “Crouching down to stand taller in the future”. How much of the PS5 strategy was locked in? How much do you think they knew?


Hey MinnMaxers, if I can call you that? When was the last time you lived up to the single-n name and min-maxed in a game? I have probably spent double the time in Persona 5 Royal than in the original min-maxing my personas and filling out the compendium. 10 damage types, 1 healer, 1 buffer, and 2 new personas per level. Executing them for fusion, hanging them to inherit skills, electrocuting them to turn them into skill cards. All only during alarms. While the process has gotten quicker after the initial setup, it can still take a while to get a persona it's best skills. I have to add that all of this is completely unneccassary since I'm almost one-shotting everything anyway and it's actually making it more difficult to get money from negotiations. :(


Hello Ben and the cohorts! This week I quit my job and in a few months will be moving out of state and half way across the country to pursue my passion career. I have never made this big a move before and am naturally kind of nervous but excited! Have any of y'all made an out of state move and do you have any tips about settling in a brand new place? Thank you very much appreciated!


Lol "Executing them for fusion, hanging them to inherit skills, shocking them to turn them into skill cards." This is very alarming to someone who doesn't know anything about Persona.


Hey Jeff and other people! What do you think are the least satisfying enemies to encounter in video games? My vote for is always robots because they usually feel impersonal so taking them down is kind of anticlimactic. Do you have a most satisfying enemy to encounter as well? Thanks for the read and I'm not going back to jail!


Take the risks while you can! I did the same thing last year and it's been an odd but amazing experience! Good luck Caleb!


If you could die and be reborn as a peasant/normal person in any video game world, which would you choose?


Thank you Edgar! For sure for sure. Grabbing the bull by the horns as they say!


If you changed the name of MinnMax to the following names what kind of podcast would it be? FinnFax TinnTax SinnSax WinnWax CinnCax

DJ Tommy Pizza

Hey Hanson and fellow MinnMaxers, Last week when you were talking about Crusader Kings, fellow cohort Ana Diaz compared it to the Sims meets Civilization and it opened my eyes to why I can’t stop playing it. I’ve easily clocked over a thousand hours playing each series in my lifetime and Crusader Kings gives me the same vibes. If you could mash-up two genres or franchises to make one super-addicting game tailored to you, which two would you choose?


Hi Ben and the CLCs My girlfriend has described Breath of the Wild as the game that made her a gamer. I showed her the trailer and gameplay videos for Fenyx Rising and she damn near lost her mind. It made me thing, what was the game that made you a gamer? What was the first game you remember making you excited and diving into gaming as a whole? I think mine was A Link to the Past from the SNES that really made me want to discover new types of games and made it grow into the hobby it is today.


Mine was definitely Skyward Sword. I know that game gets a lot of hate but as someone completely new to action adventure games, it blew my mind. I'd loved other games before (Pokemon Pearl, Spider-Man 2), but SS was the first game that made me think, "this is the best medium out there."