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This week on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Leo Vader, and Ana Diaz. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator
  • Nintendo Indie World Highlights
  • Ghost of Tsushima Legends
  • Rogue Legacy 2
  • Top 10 Launch Games

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Hello m&ms! I've been pretty in love with the battle royale concept for years now, and Fall Guys is really scratching that itch in one way that no other game (that I've played at least) has. And that's through it's currency system. Crowns are awarded for victories, cannot be bought, and unlock the coolest/funniest costumes. That feature alone makes every win so much more enjoyable for me. What do ya'll think though? Is having exclusive currency and rewards that generally only the "best" can get good for a game? Especially one as whimsical as Fall Guys?


Hey friends! I was blown away by Sucker Punch’s surprise announcement of Ghost of Tsushima’s multiplayer mode! There are full priced games of just 4-player multiplayer and they’re doing this for free on top of a full single-player experience?? This is the best game news for me so far this year. What’s the last surprise announcement for a game that got you excited?


Hey MinnMax, are the people in your dreams wearing face masks?


G'day from Australia! Recently, Ben mentioned a game that is near and dear to my heart. Be it the MinnMax show or Minnfaqs, he just can't help but mention... Monopoly Deal! And I too can stay silent no more. My friends and I play Monopoly Deal all the time and I truely believe it is a more fun, strategic and refined version of monopoly. This leads to my impassioned request for you to no longer bite your tongues as I have until now. Do the MinnMaxers also have a spin-off they prefer to the original release original? Perhaps final fantasy tactics is the best FF game or Hyrule warriors trumps Ocarina of Time (these are not my opinions). Apex legends? Those Persona dancing games? Thanks for your hard work and positivity, Alex in Australia


What is your favorite movie/video game troupe that you know is bad but you still kinda love it? Mine is the character that disappears after a bus or train passes between two characters. I know its dumb but I actually kinda love it.


Hey Ben and the cohort loving computers, I tell you what it has been a cold dark winter in Australia and recently I felt the urge to jump back into The Witcher 3 and feel that warm Toussaint sun on my face again. I found myself getting hooked on upgrading my vineyard estate which made me think almost all my favourite games have a house or pad for the player to customise, most notably Assassins Creed 2’s Villa Auditore or Links house in Breath of the Wild. Do you like customisable houses for the player in video games? Are there any stand out pads you made your own and hold nice memories? I love wine Matt.


Helllllooooo Ben and the cohorts, In regard to last week's conversation about mascots, the only one I can think of as new and for this generation is Astro Bot for Playstation 4 and now the PS5. Outside of that my question is, why aren't there more games that have a section to re-watch in game cinematics? Nioh 2 is the most recent that comes to mind, but not much else. There are times when i want to rewatch the cinematics for different reasons, missed some dialouge, want to rewatch for a detail or to catch up after not playing for a while. You can't always find these cinematics on youtube, especially some of the non-popular games, and it would great to see this option more than we do. Keep up the great work!


Hey Cohorts, Long-time first-time and all that. Last week Kyle mentioned being bugged by the guy in a movie using the laser on a CD player to wow people. He was right to be bugged. CD players use an infrared laser which is outside the spectrum humans can see. DVD and Blu-Ray players use red and violet lasers respectively which would be visible, but an old portable CD player would not have been. Also, CD player lasers are too weak to damage anything, so even if it was visible, it wouldn't do anything... Movies almost always get science and tech wrong...


I’ve been watching board game reviews a lot and it has made me ravenous for more. JeffM! We need more reviews!


Hey MnMs, The first time I saw a black and white movie as a young kid, my mom explained that older movies weren’t in color. I took this to mean that as a VHS physically aged, it lost its color and became black and white. I started checking our various tapes and realized it must be true when, one of my parents movies went from black and white to color as I fast forward through it! As it turns out, it was The Wizard of Oz. But I though the beginning of the movie had already undergone the change, and I was very scared that MY favorite movies could be next! Any childhood misunderstandings from your lives you’d care to share? Well wishes from New Hampshire!


Did ya'll see the Switch and PS4 listings for the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Trilogy Remake? A rumor from back in April points to a Holiday 2020 release w/ potential for delay. It also says Yuri Lowenthal is returning.


With Epic going nuclear in Apple and Google, do you think Sony's $250 million investment in Epic was protection money?