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This week for the community questions on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Leo Vader, Ana Diaz, and Jacob Geller. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- The best new IP of the generation (with Suriel, Kyle, and Jacob Geller)

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Hey friends! Do you have any book series you’d like to see translated into a game? I’ve been rereading through the A Song of Ice & Fire series and it’s such a colorful and rich world that would work really well in a Witcher style rpg with original stories. I know Game of Thrones tv-inspired games have been made. This is about fantasizing GOOD games though!


Hey Ben and the Brady Bunch, What's your favourite photomode?


Greetings! Many people talk about their favorite games of all time. Favorite scenes. Favorite fatality. You get the idea. However, I have never heard anyone discuss their favorite easter egg / reference. It's odd because video games have so many easter eggs. My favorite easter egg, which is also a secret boss, is from Xenosaga Episode 3. You fight "Weltall " , from Xenogears, as you progress through the story and as the fight concludes, you see "Weltall" start to power up, but he never finishes and it just retreats. That's a cool easter egg in itself, but it gets even better. Later in the game, you see "Weltall" just docked in a hanger. In the background the alarm is going off informing everyone that the pilot of "Weltall" is missing. You have to get some items to be able to fight "Weltall" for a rematch. You get the items to begin the fight, but this time you are probably near max level and it appears to be an easy fight. HOWEVER, Weltall begins to powers up again. His wings spread, his armor begins to change from blue to red, his frame is getting larger and his robot face reveals a sinister smile. Yes, he just transformed into ID. My mind was blown and is still blown just thinking about it. Now this push over fight is now 100x harder. No other easter egg compares to this in my opinion. So, my question is, do you have a favorite easter egg that you just can't forget? I'm about to load up a youtube video of this fight right now. Keep up the good work.


Hello from Lexington KY. My question is about sequels. What recent game do you find yourself already hyped for the potential of a sequel? I'm not even half way through Ghosts of Tsushima and I find myself saying "man oh man Ghosts 2 is going to be so good". I think this points to a couple unique things about gaming as an entertainment medium, 1. sequels are usually better than their predecessors and 2. geeze am I too quick to want the next best thing, just finish the dang game first before drooling over what the next one could be like!

Josh LaBaw

Hello MinnMax (with two n's), I know Leo & Hanson are video people, Ana is in games over at Glitch in Minneapolis. I thought you'd have a unique look at what seems to be a rise in FMV games. Even Netflix has a few things I'd put in that category. Are we about to see a rise in this type of entertainment. It's an indie scene now but it's Amazon about to publish is first big game to Amazon Prime Video?


Hey howdy hey Hanson, ‘horts, and Mr. Geller, Let’s take a positive angle for just one quick second here. What is something you are really going to miss about life in the current pandemic? For me, it’s the complete freedom of working from home and the ability to take breaks from work to enjoy my hobbies in the middle of the work day. Thanks, Queso


When the Harry Potter game is finally announced by WB, are you going to be willing to play it despite the statements made by JK Rowling recently? Harry Potter as a series means so much to me that I am probably going to make an exception for this game, even if I will no longer support JK or the future movies. A Hogwarts RPG has been a dream of mine for years. Guess it's a classic separating the author from the work question.


Good tidings King Ben and the Minnon-Knights. I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy. Seems to me that gaming genres, while more varied than they used to be, are still much less diverse than what can be found in movies. That being said, are there any genres or, more broadly, themes that you would love to see explored more in games? As a person with an anxiety disorder, I would personally love to see more games incorporating anxiety in to the story in some way. I also feel like a romantic comedy game might be super fun to see. Thanks, Ryan F.


Hey, all. This might be a stupid question, but has anyone actually explained how these game upgrades work? I mean, if I buy a PS4 version of Yakuza 7 but then upgrade to the PS5 version, does my save transfer? Or am I just getting a free copy to start all over from the beginning? Because I really don't see the allure here if my save doesn't transfer. Or am I just being difficult here? Thanks. Hazal Mohammed


Nintendo hasn’t had a new IP since Splatoon. I doubt many would have seen that style of game coming from Nintendo. What would you like to see out of Nintendo in terms of a new IP? Third person action game? First person shooter? A live service game? Something narrative based?


Hey Ben and Crew, I’m currently going through old episodes of the podcast and got to the episode where you play game case trivia and I am LIVID at the back of the box description for Paper Mario. It describes the game as an action-adventure and there is a typo on the box. Worst of all though, is that it says quote: “He’ll meet up with 7 new companions”. This is bonkers because there are EIGHT partners that you get in that game (Goombario, Kooper, Bombette, Parakarry, Bow, Watt, Sushie, and Lakilester are all of the partners). Furthermore, the box mentions it incorrectly an additional time as well. How is it possible that the description for the back of this box description made it past QA and can you think of any other egregious text errors that have appeared in video games or video game boxes throughout the years?


When I was a kid and I would watch my dad play and react to the cutting edge technology that was voice recognition used to order a squad around on SOCOM US Navy Seals for the PS2. At that age, I was CERTAIN that this was the peak of technology used in this way. What is one thing that, at a younger age, you were SURE that it was the peak technology and it would never get better?