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This week on the podcast, we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, Suriel Vazquez, and LEO VADER. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Wednesday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

- Ubisoft Forward

- Ghost of Tsushima

- Paper Mario

- Half-Life: Alyx

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Hello Minn of the Maxers, I found the best way to make a decision. I’m the kind of person that, when in need of choosing a place to lunch or a movie to watch, takes hours to make the decision, eliminating options that arise again minutes later. So I’ve constructed a simple system, (1) take all options and order them in alphabetic order, (2) divide them in equal groups respecting the alphabetic order (6 options, 2 groups of 3, the first 3 and the second 3 of the alphabetic order), (3) select one of the groups (the option you really want must be in that group, go with your instincts), (4) take one out until there’s only 2 options, (5) take a luck game, like Rock Paper Scissors, and see which option wins, if you’re not satisfied you will know the option you wanted was the other one. The best way to know what I really want is not to ask me what I want, it is to test me If I don’t agree to what is given to me by something like luck or destiny, I’ll understand what I don’t want and therefore what I want. Sorry, bye Vasco Marques 💛


Hey Giant Bomb! Wait... wrong podcast. Hello Minnmax friends! So recently Shawn Layden made the quote that he would "welcome a return of the 12 to 15 hour AAA game." In that vein, what game or game series would most benefit or like to see trim the fat? I would like to see Far Cry 6 focus on a smaller scope and be more focused. I feel that The past few entries have been throwing quantity over quality at us.


Hey MinnMax crew, The original Paper Mario is my favorite game of all time. However, I have no interest in the newest Paper Mario games because they all seem to lack any sort of RPG progression, one of the things I loved about the original. It baffles me that the series has diverged so far from its roots to the point that the newest games don't seem to be for fans of the original. Are there any other game series which have diverged this much from their roots? Brian Brown from St. Louis MO


Howdy all and welcome aboard Leo. What is a detail you'd still like to know about the next gen? Outside of price I'd like to know how long the battery is going to last on that DualSense controller. Can you imagine getting 20 hours? What a dream...but with all the stuff they packed in there I doubt it'll be more than 10-12. Thanks!.


Yo Leo! Unlike most around these parts, I didn’t follow game informer very closely, even pre minn max. So I don’t actually know who you are. But I’m very ready to like you, as you’re spoken quite highly of around here. For anyone like me who isn’t quite acquainted with your work, what do you want the MinnMax community to know about you?

Jordan Brown

Hey MinnMaxers, Will we be getting a Special Edition cut of past MinnMax streams with Leo added via CG to help with continuity and keep him canon?


Hey fam: when I think of the twin cities, I think of music. Not just prince and the replacements, but husker du, the hold steady, okkervil river and newish rock bands like Remo drive and Tiny Moving Parts. What’s in the water up there? Is there a ton of pride in the prodigious cultural output? You guys have a favorite local band?


Hello everyone! After the Ubisoft stream a few days ago, I saw a lot of people online get very upset about what was offered. Of course I would’ve loved a Splinter Cell announcement, I thought the show was about as good as you could expect. My question is have there been any specific events like a year of E3 have generally pleased everyone? I feel like the average online response to any gaming event was “that sucked” because they have unrealistic expectations a lot of the time.


Hey everyone, glad Leo finally made it.  Quick question, do you think we will ever get to see a recap option become standard in games? I feel like with the length of some games and intricate systems we need a quick option for a recap. There could be one for controls showing you a list/preview of everything you have obtained so far. Same thing for story, just a quick synopsis of what has happened. 


Hey there Max Pack, How do you honestly feel about emulation? I feel like working at GI prevented you guys from ever talking about it in a meaningful way for obvious reasons. I want to make it very clear, piracy bad. Stealing bad. However, there are a ton of games that are not only unable to be purchased unless through resale, but will never be made purchasable again due to licensing issues or a number of other reasons. A huge example being Goldeneye. Not to mention a huge library of other Nintendo games that they don't seem interested in redistributing to current online stores. My question is, how do you guys feel about game dumping and emulation for preservation purposes? Thanks, love the content. Good to see Leo takin a walk on the wild side.


Ben, how excited are you about JUMPCUTS in the new generation of consoles? With the faster loading times and all, do you expect to see them more often?

Sean Mason

Greetings Min Maxers: In the community discord, I made it known that I'm not too fond of cheese, to the point that if I had to choose to eat dirt or cheese, I would want dirt. I despise all things cheese related, ranging from Cheez-Its to Pizza. My question: is there any popular food item that you absolutely hate? -Best Sean from Massachusetts