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If you're playing The Last of Us Part II along with us for The Deepest Dive, now's your chance to submit a comment for us to read during our gigantic game club discussion airing on Wednesday on YouTube and the Patreon-exclusive podcast feed. The Deepest Dive for The Last of Us Part II features Ben Hanson, Jeff Marchiafava, Suriel Vazquez, and HyperDot developer Charles McGregor.

Leave a specific comment below sharing your favorite moment, character, visual detail, building layout, crafting item, or anything under the sun for the end of Seattle Day 3/that surprising flashback through... the next two days you play. The stopping point is a surgery. Please do not share or tease anything about the end of the game! We're expecting a lot of comments and want to get to as many people as possible, so please only leave one comment. You're welcome to read the other comments to see if you're the first to comment on this specific detail to raise the odds of being included in the discussion. As always, the more specific the better. 

Let's create the best, most thorough discussion of The Last of Us Part II on the internet together!



Is anyone changing their play style from Ellie to Abby just based on the characters and themes? I found by the end of Ellie's section I was purposefully making people know who I was, molotoving everyone and generally being a vengeful angel of death. As Abby, I'm choosing to be more tactical, not afraid to make things into a cover shooter but being more methodical about my path through places. When I went to check on Yara and Lev the next day, I immediately started shooting and lobbing pipebombs from cover thinking in my head I should draw the Scars away from their location. It's been interesting roleplaying between them, especially since the gameplay is more or less unchanged, it's just my headspace as I assess their goals. Thanks!!!


Holy crap SO SORRY for spoilers I was really confused about the cutoff time my bad my bad


Something I've noticed, as I've played Abby for the first two days is how it seems that her character is influenced by her father, just as Ellie is influenced by hers. Abby, even though she wears the mask of a cold mountain of muscles, goes out of her way to save the "zebras" of the world. She has no reason to help out Yara and Lev other than the fact that she feels guilty that she's gone against her father's example and has "done harm" to Joel (not in self-defense, but as a brutal act of torture and revenge). Ellie on the other hand follows Joel's example, and out of toxic love sets out on a quest of revenge that is both self-destructive and damaging to her friends. The plot, in my opinion, has been very literary and character-based and I'm loving it so far


Hallo. As a hater of dogs, I loved the ball throwing with the dog at the start of the fist Seattle day with Abby. I threw it over the edge and the dog just looked longingly for the ball. Abby said "Im sorry...". I did not.


While playing as Ellie, did anyone else look up at the buildings, noticed the sky bridge & wondered what the heck that was, only to be rewarded by actually crossing the bridge as Abby?


Abby's Crossbow or Ellie's bow and arrow?


I liked how they made Abby’s fear of heights a part of the gameplay. I often feel like most video game characters say they hate heights and use the “Just don’t look down” generic line. I thought it was neat and a small detail showing how the camera would pan out/zoom in and show Abby start to freak out and hyperventilate a little. I can’t think of any other game at the moment that uses a character’s fear that effects the gameplay.


I'm actually just at the start of the Abby Day 1 flashback but it made me "angry" enough to join the patreon and comment lol: Although I'm at the start of this section I find it kind of predicable and annoying as a player that the story is trying to make me go Ellie and Abby they're the same. I feel like the game wants me to have this emotion or AH HAH moment and it's like I don't. I don't care if Abby's father died, I dont really care about him the fact is that she killed Joel who we actually care about. I just feel the this Abby and Ellie are the same type of story beat is too on the nose for me. It could change by the end but that's how I feel right now. I don't want to play as Abby, I just want to continue the game as Ellie and finish this. Did the panel ever feel like this?


As a Latino-American I'm sick of these games and Manny perpetuating the stereotype that all Latinos are suave ladies' men who can melt hearts even during an apocalypse. We can be socially awkward too, damnit!!!


That's a bad stereotype for many reasons. For example, we are characterized as womanizers and shallow, and thus untrustworthy. Also depicts us as corny and dopey. But the biggest problem is our lack of representation, especially in a casual sense. How often do you see Hispanic protagonists in media that isn't explicitly "made for latinos"?


Oh yeah, maybe my comment sounded like it was purely in jest but there was certainly a truth I was trying to get at. I think I wrote my comment too late, but I'm glad Suriel brought it up.


Hey gang! And a special, fancy welcome to Leo Vader! What is a game you played that you regret not finishing? And JeffM, I swear this was not a setup for them to give you flack about Red Dead 2. If anyone does, just let me know. I got your back, as I have also not finished it.


Right on man. That was cool of Suriel to do. Take care.