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Because of the very exciting PlayStation 5 stream on Thursday at 3pm Central (which we'll be streaming out reaction to) we're delaying this week's podcast until Thursday evening.

But on this week's episode we'll have Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Jeff Marchiafava, Suriel Vazquez, and guest Mike Mahardy. It's your turn to make the show better by leaving a question, topic, or anything else for us to read on the show as a comment below! We’ll choose our favorite and iam8bit will ship out a great prize for the winner! We'll stop pulling questions around 10am Central on Thursday.

On this week’s episode we’ll be talking about...

The PlayStation 5 stream

Command & Conquer Remastered Collection

Destiny 2 news

And more!

You could do us a favor by subscribing to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast app, telling a friend, leaving a review, and subscribing to our YouTube channel!





Hello, I miss E3, or more specifically; I miss E3 Predictions. Around this time, I'd be watching videos about what people think will be at the show. I honestly don't care if they get them right or wrong, they were always just fun to watch (Easy Allies especially). Anyways, straight to the point: what are you all's predictions for upcoming announcements of games. PS5 event predictions, Digital Event predictions. I'd honestly (and selfishly) love a full episode about this summer's games reveals. [Sorry if you all have done this already, I need to catch up on the podcast :P] You are awesome people :)


Good Day to the MinnMax crew. My question to you all is this: what do you believe to be your biggest deficiency when it comes to gaming? I enjoy most genres of games, which means I never run out of great games I want to play. Because of this, I limit myself to a single play through of each game. This can make playing a game tedious by the end, searching for all of the secrets and additional content. I especially felt this way playing Doom Eternal, turning the normally fast paced shooter into a methodical room by room search for the next collectible.


With newly developed services of gaming appearing left and right: Stadia, Xbox Game Pass, Epic Game Store, and also Next Gen on the horizon. Do you think the ultimate gamer dream of universal crossplay between PC, PlayStation, and Xbox is now becoming more and more of a pipe dream each year? Do you guys think gamers will still be expected to buy third party games multiple times, just to play with their PC friends or their Sony friends, in the next 5 years? Or, does the industry really need the sales of the gamers who double or even triple dip on a game because of a lack of crossplay? Keep up the great work guys! I’m glad Suriel is back!! Where’d you go bro!? You missed out on the “Suda character name or Indie Pop band” quiz!!!!

Mike Lynch

Hello Ben and The CLC's. Ben, like you, I have an aversion to gore. I still love the goofy stuff like Evil Dead 2 etc, but I found that watching awful things started to effect me badly. Game Of Thrones and The Walking Dead especially. I had to stop watching those shows for peace of mind. Did you have a breaking point with gore, or did you just never enjoy it? Thanks y'all. Mike from Lamoine

DJ Tommy Pizza

Hey Hanson and the Computer Loving Cohort Crew: You mentioned on the Gunfire Reborn GOTY Hunt that you’ve never finished GTA 5’s campaign but rag on JeffM incessantly for not finishing RDR 2? What the heck!? Signed, a JeffM defender and fellow who hasn’t finished RDR 2 either


Hey Ben and Crew, Has there ever been a game that you played and immediately bounced off of, only to come back months/years later and realize that you actually absolutely love the game? I played Horizon Zero Dawn at launch and put it away after around 5 hours. Came back to it last month and got so obsessed with both the gameplay and story that I platinumed the game and played everything in the DLC. This ever happen to y'all? Thanks, Dillon from VT


What would the toppings be on a perfect pizza?


Hello Ben and Crew--What's the deal with Shadow of the Colossus? I'm making it a personal goal of mine to go back and play games that I missed that are considered "the greatest of all time." I always heard so much hype about this game, but since I never owned a PlayStation growing up, I missed out on it. Well, I just finished the PS4 version, and I don't get it. The story is overly-cryptic, the open world (while beautiful) is completely empty, and the boss battles are cryptic and very repetative. Some of them require understandable problem solving, such as the battle with the flying colossus in which you have to make it swoop down to attack and jump on its back, but others are very opaque, such as the battle with the bull colossus where you have to make it headbutt a bonfire which spawns a torch you can pick up to scare the colossus. Do I simply not have the nostalgia required to view the game as a masterpiece? Was it amazing when it released, but hasn't aged well? I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Thanks!


Hey Ben & the Electronics Loving Comrades, Going through my old games to rustle up some spare cash for our current End Times :P and I was curious if any of you had any sort of criteria for getting rid of games? How do you decide you will just never play/finish a certain game that it's worth getting rid of? Do you get rid of games that you have finished or do they have to be below a certain enjoyment/replay value threshold?


Hey Ben and Holy Crap, Are There Any Nicknames Left? I've been actively gaming again since this all started, it turns out I had some time to fill, and I've already played a couple of games I didn't think I would. I don't generally enjoy park builder/management sims, but I put fifty plus hours into Jurassic World: Evolution because dinosaurs, and now I'm around fifteen hours into Alien: Isolation despite my aversion to stealth because, well, Alien. What's a game that got you onboard with its IP and not necessarily the style of game?

Sean Mason

Do you think that reviewing a game badly because the story didn't turn out as you wanted is a legitimate criticism? I don't mean that you thought it was badly written or paced, but you wished the events of the story turned out different. We're 2 days from "The Last of Us 2" review embargo, and while I'm bracing for the inevitable 93% positive Metacritic score, I believe we'll be seeing many negative reviews citing the storyline as a reason to knock the game.


Maniac from Chicago: Hypothetical here. Congrats MinnMax, you just got a blank check and a development studio to MAKE a MinnMax Videogame, all of you (and any esteemed guests) will be characters and party members in the game. What RPG classes are you? Dont restrict to just fantasy, if Suriel wants to be a Druid that talks to squirrels but also is a techno-mage who weaves nanobot swarms, let him! If Ben wants to reprise his FF7 role as a junk dealer, why not? If JeffM wants to be some kind of cowboy.. well there is already a game he can do that and really should!